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Where the Heart Is door Billie Letts
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Where the Heart Is (editie 1996)

door Billie Letts

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
6,9331081,399 (3.81)46
Fiction. Literature. Talk about unlucky sevens. An hour ago, seventeen-year-old, seven months pregnant Novalee Nation was heading for California with her boyfriend. Now she finds herself stranded at a Wal-Mart in Sequoyah, Oklahoma, with just $7.77 in change. But Novalee is about to discover hidden treasures in this small Southwest town—a group of down-to-earth, deeply caring people willing to help a homeless, jobless girl living secretly in a Wal-Mart. From Bible-thumping blue-haired Sister Thelma Husband to eccentric librarian Forney Hull who loves Novalee more than she loves herself, they are about to take her—and you, too—on a moving, funny, and unforgettable journey to . . . Where the Heart Is.… (meer)
Titel:Where the Heart Is
Auteurs:Billie Letts
Info:Grand Central Pub (1996), Edition: Third Printing, Paperback
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Where the Heart Is door Billie Letts

  1. 40
    Walvismuziek door Wally Lamb (Monika_L)
  2. 30
    Het lied van de vlakten door Kent Haruf (jo2son)
    jo2son: Both books are set in small town United States. In both books people who are strangers become like family to each other.
  3. 10
    Patty Jane's House of Curl door Lorna Landvik (khuggard)
    khuggard: Both stories about unrelated people coming together to form a family.
  4. 00
    Entering Normal door Anne Leclaire (dara85)
  5. 00
    Made in the U.S.A. door Billie Letts (whymaggiemay)
    whymaggiemay: This book is very reminescent of Where the Heart Is. Both are a quick read and carry many of the same emotions.
  6. 00
    Ik zal er zijn door Holly Goldberg Sloan (faither)
    faither: At the end both will leave you smiling.
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Engels (105)  Deens (2)  Alle talen (107)
1-5 van 107 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I've seen this movie quite a few times and I love it. I finally read the book and found that I love the book just as much. It's just a great read. ( )
  thatnerd | Mar 2, 2024 |
Fantastic book. ( )
  ReneeGreen | Dec 19, 2023 |
Read this book when it was first published and loved it. One of those books that remain with you for life.

FROM AMAZON: Talk about unlucky sevens. An hour ago, seventeen-year-old, seven months pregnant Novalee Nation was heading for California with her boyfriend. Now she finds herself stranded at a Wal-Mart in Sequoyah, Oklahoma, with just $7.77 in change. But Novalee is about to discover hidden treasures in this small Southwest town--a group of down-to-earth, deeply caring people willing to help a homeless, jobless girl living secretly in a Wal-Mart. From Bible-thumping blue-haired Sister Thelma Husband to eccentric librarian Forney Hull who loves Novalee more than she loves herself, they are about to take her--and you, too--on a moving, funny, and unforgettable journey to . . . Where the Heart Is. ( )
  Gmomaj | May 7, 2023 |
I read this years ago, before the movie came out. I remember loving it. ( )
  ReneesHobbies | Apr 2, 2023 |
A sweet story. ( )
  CarolHicksCase | Mar 12, 2023 |
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For Dennis
who trusts the truth of miracle and magic
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Novalee Nation, seventeen, seven months pregnant, thirty-seven pounds overweight--and superstitious about sevens--shifted uncomfortably in the seat of the old Plymouth and ran her hands down the curve of her belly.
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Wikipedia in het Engels (1)

Fiction. Literature. Talk about unlucky sevens. An hour ago, seventeen-year-old, seven months pregnant Novalee Nation was heading for California with her boyfriend. Now she finds herself stranded at a Wal-Mart in Sequoyah, Oklahoma, with just $7.77 in change. But Novalee is about to discover hidden treasures in this small Southwest town—a group of down-to-earth, deeply caring people willing to help a homeless, jobless girl living secretly in a Wal-Mart. From Bible-thumping blue-haired Sister Thelma Husband to eccentric librarian Forney Hull who loves Novalee more than she loves herself, they are about to take her—and you, too—on a moving, funny, and unforgettable journey to . . . Where the Heart Is.

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Gemiddelde: (3.81)
1 22
1.5 13
2 108
2.5 15
3 428
3.5 85
4 684
4.5 54
5 436

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