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Bezig met laden... Danger in Zion National Park: A Mystery Adventure (National Park Mystery Series)door Aaron Johnson
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Meld je aan bij LibraryThing om erachter te komen of je dit boek goed zult vinden. Op dit moment geen Discussie gesprekken over dit boek. While camping in Zion National Park, Jake Evans and his friends uncover a new set of cryptic clues hidden in his grandfather’s scrapbook. Battling unpredictable weather, unforeseen challenges, and an elusive adversary, the three friends are forced to rely on their problem-solving skills, the power of their growing friendship, and the courage to do the right thing. While camping in Zion National Park, Jake Evans and his friends uncover a new set of cryptic clues hidden in his grandfather’s scrapbook. Battling unpredictable weather, unforeseen challenges, and an elusive adversary, the three friends are forced to rely on their problem-solving skills, the power of their growing friendship, and the courage to do the right thing. geen besprekingen | voeg een bespreking toe
While camping in Zion National Park, Jake Evans and his friends uncover a new set of cryptic clues hidden in his grandfather's scrapbook. Battling unpredictable weather, unforeseen challenges, and an elusive adversary, the three friends are forced to rely on their problem-solving skills, the power of their growing friendship, and the courage to do the right thing.--Publisher's description. Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden. |
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