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Learning to Swim door Shayla Dugan
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Learning to Swim

door Shayla Dugan

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3526717,929 (4.04)1
A humorous and heartfelt book about the complicated relationship between a mother, a daughter, and a grandmother. Gabrielle Malone shows up on her mother's Arizona doorstep with nothing more than a few belongings, her teenage daughter, and a car with no air conditioning (don't ask). The rest she left behind—her house, everything she owned, and her ex-husband. Her estranged mother Ida, a former Olympic swimmer and current chain smoker, needs her help after a significant health scare. Gabrielle hopes this is their relationship's opportunity for a fresh start, and a new beginning for her too. Thirteen-year-old Juniper feels stranded at an old lady's house she barely knows. She's frustrated that her mom uprooted their entire life for a strange place and misses her dad. Forced to attend the pointless last week of school, she embarrasses herself on the first day and is certain she'll never make friends again. As if that weren't bad enough, her mother's nightly binge-eating and cry sessions are concerning to say the least. Ida is her own woman, resenting being tethered to the oxygen hoses winding through her house. She looks darn good in the old, framed cigarette ads on her wall, holding her gold swimming medal. Heck, she still looks good. Her neighbor Morton certainly thinks so. She had one little health scare. What's the big deal? Heart surgery. It's coming for her. She knows it but likes to pretend she doesn't. Ida is shocked to learn her own granddaughter can't swim. The one legacy she had hoped would carry on for generations is at stake. While her health certainly limits her activities, she knows she must teach the skill that brought her a lifetime of pride. Gabrielle may have laughed at the idea of her frail mother getting back into the pool, but that's exactly what Ida would do. Teach her to swim. Learning to Swim is a coming of age novel about three women in different stages of life mending relationships. Shayla Dugan's debut family drama book is a delightful read full of insight, wisdom, and wit.… (meer)
Titel:Learning to Swim
Auteurs:Shayla Dugan
Info:Egret Lake Books
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:mother daughter relationships, intergenerational

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Learning to Swim door Shayla Dugan

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1-5 van 26 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I really enjoyed this one! The characters are very relatable. There are three generations of women here: a 13 year old girl, her mother, and her grandmother. I can relate to the issues between them, and the feeling of not being understood. I enjoyed the character development very much, and liked the pacing of the storytelling. The story was both heartwarming and sad, and portrayed the complicated relationships between mothers and daughters in a very realistic way. I enjoyed the book very much and would recommend it, especially if you are a mother or daughter! ( )
  rachiehopeworld | Jul 21, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I liked the plot of the story. The author’s portrayal of the three generation relationship was a great idea. I liked the book but admit parts were a bit unrelatable to me. ( )
  cheree_blossoms | Jul 16, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I really enjoyed this debut about three generations of women. I think the author has done a great job at portraying the struggles of a 13 year old teenager, "sandwich generation" almost 40 year old and a 75 year with an ailing heart.

The book reminds us about the things that are really important in life - relationships, unconditional love, taking charge of your own life - jumping in and swimming, not just floating. ( )
  dacejav | Jun 30, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
This book was a miss for me. I found the events of the story unrealistic, the characters simplistic and flat, and the writing uninspiring. The lack of plot development left me with little emotional connection to the characters and their lives. Also, I can’t relate to a woman in her 30s who calls her mom “Mother” and refers to her dad as “Daddy.” I considered not finishing this book several times in my reading, and in retrospect I don’t feel like I would’ve missed anything had I chosen to quit it or skip it all together. ( )
  ChristineMx | Jun 6, 2024 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
I received a copy of Learning to Swim through LibraryThing's Early Reviewers program. Found this account of three generations learning to cope with one another and the changes in their lives very readable and relatable (although I like to think that I'd know better than to get involved in a relationship with the boss). Shows the "sandwich" generation stress and realistic (to me) depictions of the younger and older generations in that sandwich coming to terms with the inevitable passing of time. I'll be hoping the sequel (?) gives us more Ida/grandma story. I'd like to dig around there more .... so much more to her than we've been given so far. ( )
  LisbethE | May 21, 2024 |
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A humorous and heartfelt book about the complicated relationship between a mother, a daughter, and a grandmother. Gabrielle Malone shows up on her mother's Arizona doorstep with nothing more than a few belongings, her teenage daughter, and a car with no air conditioning (don't ask). The rest she left behind—her house, everything she owned, and her ex-husband. Her estranged mother Ida, a former Olympic swimmer and current chain smoker, needs her help after a significant health scare. Gabrielle hopes this is their relationship's opportunity for a fresh start, and a new beginning for her too. Thirteen-year-old Juniper feels stranded at an old lady's house she barely knows. She's frustrated that her mom uprooted their entire life for a strange place and misses her dad. Forced to attend the pointless last week of school, she embarrasses herself on the first day and is certain she'll never make friends again. As if that weren't bad enough, her mother's nightly binge-eating and cry sessions are concerning to say the least. Ida is her own woman, resenting being tethered to the oxygen hoses winding through her house. She looks darn good in the old, framed cigarette ads on her wall, holding her gold swimming medal. Heck, she still looks good. Her neighbor Morton certainly thinks so. She had one little health scare. What's the big deal? Heart surgery. It's coming for her. She knows it but likes to pretend she doesn't. Ida is shocked to learn her own granddaughter can't swim. The one legacy she had hoped would carry on for generations is at stake. While her health certainly limits her activities, she knows she must teach the skill that brought her a lifetime of pride. Gabrielle may have laughed at the idea of her frail mother getting back into the pool, but that's exactly what Ida would do. Teach her to swim. Learning to Swim is a coming of age novel about three women in different stages of life mending relationships. Shayla Dugan's debut family drama book is a delightful read full of insight, wisdom, and wit.

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Shayla Dugan's boek Learning to Swim was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Gemiddelde: (4.04)
2 1
3 3
3.5 1
4 14
4.5 1
5 6

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