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The Art of Ratatouille door Karen Paik
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The Art of Ratatouille (editie 2007)

door Karen Paik (Auteur)

Reeksen: Ratatouille (Disney•Pixar) (Film Companion)

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1522186,126 (4.62)Geen
From the hit-makers at Pixar Animation Studios who brought us Buzz Lightyear, Nemo, and Mr. Incredible, now comes Remy, the furry star ofRatatouille. A lovable rat (yes, a rat!), Remy is driven by his passion for fine cuisine to become a chefagainst all odds and with madcap adventures along the wayat the most famous restaurant in Paris.The Art of Ratatouille includes more than 200 of the artistic ingredients in this heartwarming film: storyboards, full-color pastels, digital and pencil sketches, character studies, maquettes, and more. In this exclusive movie tie-in book for adults, effusive quotes from the director, artists, animators, and production team reveal the genius at work inside the studio that changed cartoon heroes forever.… (meer)
Titel:The Art of Ratatouille
Auteurs:Karen Paik (Auteur)
Info:Chronicle Books (2007), Edition: 1st Edition, 160 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Art of Ratatouille door Karen Paik

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Readers get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the artistic process that went into making Disney Pixar’s Ratatouille, an animated film about a rat who dreams of becoming a chef. This oversized volume (24 cm x 29 cm) features reproductions of over 300 pieces of concept art, including storyboards, sketches, sculpts, character studies, lighting studies and more. Quotations from the film crew offer additional insights into the filmmaking process. Yet while children who have enjoyed Ratatouille might be drawn to this highly visual book, it does not seem to have been designed for those children. It’s in-depth discussions of the decisions that went into modeling each character and the research that went into designing each set instead mean that this book is targeted for budding animators or filmmakers. Libraries seeking Ratatouille-inspired materials for young children may wish to look elsewhere. However, for librarians seeking materials to enhance a film studies collection, this book would be an excellent addition. Recommended for readers age 12 and up. ( )
  skcramer | Nov 10, 2012 |
If you thought the movie was great, then you gotta check out this book. The drawings are amazing and it definitely falls into the art category for me. Those landscapes of Paris make me long for it... ( )
  AleAleta | Jul 12, 2007 |
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From the hit-makers at Pixar Animation Studios who brought us Buzz Lightyear, Nemo, and Mr. Incredible, now comes Remy, the furry star ofRatatouille. A lovable rat (yes, a rat!), Remy is driven by his passion for fine cuisine to become a chefagainst all odds and with madcap adventures along the wayat the most famous restaurant in Paris.The Art of Ratatouille includes more than 200 of the artistic ingredients in this heartwarming film: storyboards, full-color pastels, digital and pencil sketches, character studies, maquettes, and more. In this exclusive movie tie-in book for adults, effusive quotes from the director, artists, animators, and production team reveal the genius at work inside the studio that changed cartoon heroes forever.

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Gemiddelde: (4.62)
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