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Do You Remember the First Time? (2004)

door Jenny Colgan

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3071688,674 (3.13)7
Jenny Colgan's laugh-out-loud funny The Boy I Loved Before is a new comedy about second chances. If you could do it all again knowing what you know now… While attending her best friend Sashy's wedding, Flora Scurrison realizes that this monotonous, nine-to-five, cookie-cutter life is exactly what's in store for her. While it might be okay for Sashy, it's certainly not what she envisioned for herself when she was sixteen. So when her boyfriend proposes to her during the reception, Flora makes a wish to go back and do it all over again. The next morning she wakes up to find that she has been given the ultimate second chance-she's sixteen again. As Flora navigates school, first loves-new and old-and discovers what it really means to make adult choices, will she stay in her new body or try and find her way home?… (meer)
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1-5 van 16 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Jenny Colgan, Jenny Colgan, Jenny Colgan. I think I need to stop reading her deep backlist because I think there's a definite change in the trends.

This was such a gimmick. This probably would have worked better as YA, really. I am no longer a teenager, but I felt like Colgan poked a lot of fun at teenagers that, while funny, was a bit too over the top at point and if I were a teenager I'd probably be offended.

I also realised in reading this that I do not support the idea of re-falling in love with someone you were in love with sixteen years ago. I do not. I myself love to romanticise the could-have-been relationships of my past, but I just don't think that's healthy, and it's very instalove because let's be real: a 16-year-old, as evidenced, is a different human being at 32. There's got to be more there. We can do better.

But hey, this was 2005, I suppose.
( )
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
Doesn't everyone wish they could turn the clock back and change your decisions? Well Flora does get that chance, and it is a fun read (especially if you are of a similar age) that considers the difficulty of being a child of the 80s being trapped in a 'naughties' era. A lightweight read but a fun ride! ( )
  peelap | Feb 3, 2019 |
This is the first book by Jenny Colgan that I have ever read. When I read the synopsis I thought that it's it would be an easy, funny book but I must say that I'm a little bit disappointed. I think that the central premise just falls apart. At one point, Flora speculates that she has gone back to 1987, which would have made more sense and been more fun. This is probably something the author considered and abandoned, in the belief that she was being more original.The problem is, the new "original" premise doesn't stand scrutiny. Why should only Flora's friends still know her? How can her parents just be the same characters when they have been transposed from 1980s fortysomethings into 21st-century fortysomethings?At the end, when the realities re-align and we are presented with another, third version of the time-frame, even more holes appear. (Justin exists? So where is Stanzi? And who's her best friend in this reality??) ( )
  AlexisLovesBooks | Feb 9, 2016 |
Interesting surmise, but let down by the manufactured ending.

Flora is early 30s and is heading to her best friend, Tashy's wedding. The event they've been planning since they were teenagers, and it puts Flora in reflective mood. what happened to the aspirations of 16? Did they really have to end up in a dull job, with a nice, but not terribly exciting boyfriend called Olly, who seems about to propose. Is this what she wanted? The reflection is further enhamced by the unexpected appreance of her first love, the one who left her at 16, breaking her heart. As events come to a head, the cake is cut & she wishes she were 16 again.

And the next morning, she wakes up to find that she is 16 again, but with the knowledge of being 32. Her parents are also younger, still together ahead of their breakup shortly after Flora's 16th birthday. But everything else is different, she hasn't gone back 16 years, just is 16 years younger and 1 month ago. It all gets very confusing but she tries to do the right thing to keep her parents together, and to turn up at Tashy's wedding and wish herself back to 32 - presuming she wants to return, of course.

What actually happens is a bit of a fix. It is almost too neat and the ending just tips over into fairy tale territory. ( )
  Helenliz | Apr 1, 2013 |
So overall I really enjoyed this book. I think this was definitely a case of the right book at the right time.

It is a frothy life switch book. I usually don't like books that have such devices as going back in time to relive highschool or what ever - but the tone and the overall writing style of this book was just so breezy I was happy to suspend my disbelief. Because I was in such a forgiving mood I didn't dwell on some of the short comings that would have driven me crazy if I was in a pickier mood.

For instance - the central plot device is one of the messiest I have ever encountered. There are so many loose ends that make you know that if you just think about it a tiny bit it never could have worked. The people who know and don't know who Flora (those who loved her) makes the story hard to swallow - and in the same vein its hard to explain away the life of the 16 year old who she came to be - what about her parents friends? do they have any friends? why dont they know what is going on like she knows... its just all very very messy.

Her 16 year old best friend Stansi is Italian. I didn't realize that she was trying to write an accent in the dialogue until about 2/3 of the way through the book. It was really sort of weird.

Okay. But basically - if you are in the mood for fluff - this is a great book to pick up. Pool, beach, plane or mental vacation. ( )
  alanna1122 | Jan 10, 2013 |
1-5 van 16 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Jenny Colgan's laugh-out-loud funny The Boy I Loved Before is a new comedy about second chances. If you could do it all again knowing what you know now… While attending her best friend Sashy's wedding, Flora Scurrison realizes that this monotonous, nine-to-five, cookie-cutter life is exactly what's in store for her. While it might be okay for Sashy, it's certainly not what she envisioned for herself when she was sixteen. So when her boyfriend proposes to her during the reception, Flora makes a wish to go back and do it all over again. The next morning she wakes up to find that she has been given the ultimate second chance-she's sixteen again. As Flora navigates school, first loves-new and old-and discovers what it really means to make adult choices, will she stay in her new body or try and find her way home?

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3.5 6
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