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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Comic / Manhua) Vol. 6

door Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

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391655,423 (4.75)Geen
To escape the villainous scheming of Xue Yang, A-Qing is determined to flee, and take her companion Xiao Xingchen along with her. But Xiao Xingchen cannot shake his sense of responsibility-he resolves to stay behind and confront Xue Yang alone. That's when Xue Yang reveals the truth behind their Night Hunts, and all the horrible things he's tricked Xiao Xingchen into doing for so many years. Battle is joined between old friends and fated rivals! Back in the present, Wei Wuxian watches their tragic history unfold, and is left with a single thought. To set things right, he must kill Xue Yang.… (meer)
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Another great volume of this wonderful manhua. It's so wonderful to reread this, and everything looks even more beautiful than I remember when it was a webcomic.

This comic covers a particularly painful part of the story: the climax of the story of Xiao Xingchen, Song Lang, Xue, and A-Qing. And ahh, it's still wonderfully sad. It's really interesting that these were older original characters of Mo Xiang Tong Xiu's and they had such a tragic ending. I kind of wonder if that's why it sometimes feels like too long of a departure from the rest of the narrative? But it's good, all the same.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's night antics are also funny and cute. They work so well together.

Looking forward to volume 7! ( )
  AnonR | Aug 14, 2024 |
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To escape the villainous scheming of Xue Yang, A-Qing is determined to flee, and take her companion Xiao Xingchen along with her. But Xiao Xingchen cannot shake his sense of responsibility-he resolves to stay behind and confront Xue Yang alone. That's when Xue Yang reveals the truth behind their Night Hunts, and all the horrible things he's tricked Xiao Xingchen into doing for so many years. Battle is joined between old friends and fated rivals! Back in the present, Wei Wuxian watches their tragic history unfold, and is left with a single thought. To set things right, he must kill Xue Yang.

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Gemiddelde: (4.75)
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5 2

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