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Zilveren vleugels (2020)

door Camilla Läckberg

Reeksen: Golden Cage (2)

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21512131,066 (3.31)Geen
Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From the internationally bestselling author of The Golden Cage comes a bold, mesmerizing thriller of seduction, deceit, and female power, in which a womans secret cannot stay buried forever.

Faye Adelheim is living a delicious lie. She is wealthy beyond imagination, she is the Chairman of her self-made global cosmetics brand, and her ex-husband, the monster who killed her beloved daughter Julienne, is living out the remainder of his days behind bars.
But unbeknownst to journalists, police officers, and investors, and even the lovers she occasionally invites to her bed, Faye has a secret: her daughter is, in fact, alive and well and so is her mother, the woman Fayes father was sentenced for allegedly killing years ago.
Together, three generations of women have survived in hiding from the men who sought to destroy them. But unfortunately for Faye, cages are meant to be opened, pillow talk can lead to betrayal, and secrets always end in tears.
… (meer)
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1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher invite and NetGalley. This review is my voluntary and unbiased opinion.
This novel continues the story of Faye Adelheim from book 1, The Golden Cage. This book really needs to be read in sequence in order to completely understand the plot of the suspenseful plot.
Trigger warning as topics of rape, abuse, and sex are discussed.

From The Golden Cage, we learn about Faye Adelheim who lives the luxurious life that most could imagine in their dreams. When she met Jack Adelheim at the School of Economics she was instantly drawn to his charisma and confidence. She was a top student when she left school to help support Jack and his friend Henrik Bergendahl become successful entrepreneurs of Compare. She had been instrumental in their success which she had hoped someday to receive recognition. Instead, she passively took satisfaction in being a mother to their daughter, Julienne.

Faye loved the life they had built amongst their affluent community. It was a far stretch from where she originated and to which she never wanted to return. She sacrificed a lot to reinvent herself from her traumatic childhood. She vowed to do anything she needed to keep her past hidden including never opening the letters from her father in prison. She found it easier to explain she was orphaned when her parents died in a car crash. After marrying Jack, it felt like her life was complete until Jack becomes more domineering and demeaning to Faye.

Craving the love and attention she never received as a child, Faye held strongly to her desire to ensure her husband was happy. Although she had helped build the business Compare which Jack and Henrik ran the shares holders had her sign a prenuptial agreement. She never worried since she never imagined what would eventually happen.

In the aftermath of the her husband Jack being sentenced for the murder of their 7 year old daughter, Julienne, Faye Adelheim leaves her life of fame in Sweden, wanting anonymity in Ravi, a small village of 200 people in Italy. Ultimately, Faye and her trusted friend, Kerstin, to build Revenge into a name brand in the cosmetics industry. They built the company of women as “revenge” for the disastrous events back in Sweden which makes it difficult not to provide spoilers. The description of this book does disclose that Faye flees to Italy to keep Julienne and her mother Ingrid safe since they are believed to be dead. Traveling back and forth to Sweden exposes Faye to compromising situations where maintaining secrets becomes a challenge. She is faced with confronting her abusive upbringing in Fjällbacka while trying not to let her guard down when approached by investigator Ingvarsson.

It is a salacious, hard to put down book with a strong female protagonist who needs to be careful who trusts. The story alternates between the present and the past providing insight into the main character’s personality, motives and ambition. The story ends with an indication of what lies ahead in book three. ( )
  marquis784 | Feb 6, 2024 |
I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher invite and NetGalley. This review is my voluntary and unbiased opinion.
This novel continues the story of Faye Adelheim from book 1, The Golden Cage. This book really needs to be read in sequence in order to completely understand the plot of the suspenseful plot.
Trigger warning as topics of rape, abuse, and sex are discussed.

From The Golden Cage, we learn about Faye Adelheim who lives the luxurious life that most could imagine in their dreams. When she met Jack Adelheim at the School of Economics she was instantly drawn to his charisma and confidence. She was a top student when she left school to help support Jack and his friend Henrik Bergendahl become successful entrepreneurs of Compare. She had been instrumental in their success which she had hoped someday to receive recognition. Instead, she passively took satisfaction in being a mother to their daughter, Julienne.

Faye loved the life they had built amongst their affluent community. It was a far stretch from where she originated and to which she never wanted to return. She sacrificed a lot to reinvent herself from her traumatic childhood. She vowed to do anything she needed to keep her past hidden including never opening the letters from her father in prison. She found it easier to explain she was orphaned when her parents died in a car crash. After marrying Jack, it felt like her life was complete until Jack becomes more domineering and demeaning to Faye.

Craving the love and attention she never received as a child, Faye held strongly to her desire to ensure her husband was happy. Although she had helped build the business Compare which Jack and Henrik ran the shares holders had her sign a prenuptial agreement. She never worried since she never imagined what would eventually happen.

In the aftermath of the her husband Jack being sentenced for the murder of their 7 year old daughter, Julienne, Faye Adelheim leaves her life of fame in Sweden, wanting anonymity in Ravi, a small village of 200 people in Italy. Ultimately, Faye and her trusted friend, Kerstin, to build Revenge into a name brand in the cosmetics industry. They built the company of women as “revenge” for the disastrous events back in Sweden which makes it difficult not to provide spoilers. The description of this book does disclose that Faye flees to Italy to keep Julienne and her mother Ingrid safe since they are believed to be dead. Traveling back and forth to Sweden exposes Faye to compromising situations where maintaining secrets becomes a challenge. She is faced with confronting her abusive upbringing in Fjällbacka while trying not to let her guard down when approached by investigator Ingvarsson.

It is a salacious, hard to put down book with a strong female protagonist who needs to be careful who trusts. The story alternates between the present and the past providing insight into the main character’s personality, motives and ambition. The story ends with an indication of what lies ahead in book three. ( )
  marquis784 | Feb 6, 2024 |
Silver Tears is the second book with the wickedly addictive Faye who I loved. "Now that her former husband, Jack, is out of the way in prison for killing their daughter, Faye has grown her company - Revenge - into one of the leading cosmetic companies in Europe. She has a new man in her life and feels like she is falling in love. But when her father and former husband both escape from the prison she is terrified that the police will find out that her daughter is in hiding and not dead. And when she discovers her company is under attack she must decide how much she is willing to fight or to run."
If you know anything about this author and the character of Faye then you know she is one tough cookie and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her family safe and life intact. I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone but I will say it does leave off on a bit of a cliffhanger which I am hoping will lead to yet another book. Four-star read from me I hope to see more soon. Thank you Netgalley.
( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
This novel is the sequel to THE GILDED CAGE in which Faye Adelheim freed herself from her manipulative husband, and set up her company Revenge. The narrative of SILVER TEARS fills in some of the gaps in the earlier novel, and completes the story. You could probably treat SILVER TEARS as a stand-alone novel because the author does her best to summarise little strands of the earlier novel, but I think you are best to read them in order, as a pair.

My rating reflects some of the credibility problems that I had with the story line. ( )
  smik | Feb 17, 2023 |
I love Camilla Lackberg. This book seems like it was written by someone else. Faye wants to get Revenge to the US. Jack has escaped from prison. Faye is falling for someone named David. There’s a couple of threesomes. This just wasn’t what I was expecting. ( )
  Sunandsand | Apr 30, 2022 |
1-5 van 12 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fiction. Mystery. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:From the internationally bestselling author of The Golden Cage comes a bold, mesmerizing thriller of seduction, deceit, and female power, in which a womans secret cannot stay buried forever.

Faye Adelheim is living a delicious lie. She is wealthy beyond imagination, she is the Chairman of her self-made global cosmetics brand, and her ex-husband, the monster who killed her beloved daughter Julienne, is living out the remainder of his days behind bars.
But unbeknownst to journalists, police officers, and investors, and even the lovers she occasionally invites to her bed, Faye has a secret: her daughter is, in fact, alive and well and so is her mother, the woman Fayes father was sentenced for allegedly killing years ago.
Together, three generations of women have survived in hiding from the men who sought to destroy them. But unfortunately for Faye, cages are meant to be opened, pillow talk can lead to betrayal, and secrets always end in tears.

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3.5 4
4 16
5 3

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