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Blackstone's Guide to Working Time (Blackstone's Guide)

door John Fairhurst

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The new Working Time Regulations came into force on 1 October 1998. Although the implementation of Regulations has been imminent ever since Labour came to power, the business and legal communities have remained largely ignorant of its widespread and immediate effects. The Regulations giveworkers new rights to:a limit of 48 hours on the average working weeklimits on night workthree weeks paid annual leave (four in 1999)rest breaks and rest dayshealth and safety assessmentsThe Working Time Regulations will affect practically every business in the country. If employers fail to comply with the provisions they may run the risk of facing employment tribunal proceedings or even prosecution by the health and safety executive.This new Guide provides lawyers, personnelspecialists and employers with a clear and concise explanation of the practical implications of the Directive and the supporting Regulations. It also takes account of the DTIs Regulatory Guidance.The Guide Contains a Copy of the Regulations, The Working Time Directive and The Young Workers Directive.… (meer)
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The new Working Time Regulations came into force on 1 October 1998. Although the implementation of Regulations has been imminent ever since Labour came to power, the business and legal communities have remained largely ignorant of its widespread and immediate effects. The Regulations giveworkers new rights to:a limit of 48 hours on the average working weeklimits on night workthree weeks paid annual leave (four in 1999)rest breaks and rest dayshealth and safety assessmentsThe Working Time Regulations will affect practically every business in the country. If employers fail to comply with the provisions they may run the risk of facing employment tribunal proceedings or even prosecution by the health and safety executive.This new Guide provides lawyers, personnelspecialists and employers with a clear and concise explanation of the practical implications of the Directive and the supporting Regulations. It also takes account of the DTIs Regulatory Guidance.The Guide Contains a Copy of the Regulations, The Working Time Directive and The Young Workers Directive.

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