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Selected Stories Of Philip K. Dick door…
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Selected Stories Of Philip K. Dick (origineel 2002; editie 2013)

door Philip K. Dick (Auteur)

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8731225,739 (4.01)58
Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick contains twenty-one of Dick's most dazzling and resonant stories, which span his entire career and show a world-class writer working at the peak of his powers. In "The Days of Perky Pat," people spend their time playing with dolls who manage to live an idyllic life no longer available to the Earth's real inhabitants. "Adjustment Team" looks at the fate of a man who by mistake has stepped out of his own time. In "Autofac," one community must battle benign machines to take back control of their lives. And in "I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon," we follow the story of one man whose very reality may be nothing more than a nightmare. The collection also includes such classic stories as "The Minority Report," the basis for the Steven Spielberg movie, and "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale," the basis for the film Total Recall. With an introduction by Jonathan Lethem, Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick is a magnificent distillation of one of American literature's most searching imaginations.… (meer)
Titel:Selected Stories Of Philip K. Dick
Auteurs:Philip K. Dick (Auteur)
Info:Mariner Books (2013), Edition: 1st THUS, 480 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick door Philip K. Dick (2002)

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Engels (11)  Hongaars (1)  Alle talen (12)
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Depressing and dystopian, but some stories are the source of a few major movies (Total Recall and Minority Report at least) so I wanted to read before watching. Well-written and interesting but way too depressing for me. ( )
1 stem eatonphil | May 8, 2022 |
Several good stories in this batch, but nothing that really blew my mind. I've also just read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and feel like based on these two books of Dick's (the only two I've read), he works much better in longer form prose. Still, it was need to read. ( )
  dllh | Jan 6, 2021 |
Absolutely amazing. I've always meant to read some of his stuff, so a book full of short stories seemed perfect. It contains most of the stories which have been adapted into movies.

I found it fascinating from a psychology perspective too. I had heard that Dick may have been schizophrenic, and I can absolutely see where that comes from, now. So many of the stories involve paranoia, warping of reality, or a complete disbelief in reality. That he is able to tackle those themes on such a deep level and still construct fascinating stories all around it shows how much skill he had.

Ratings:- ( )
1 stem ShreyasDeshpande | Oct 24, 2020 |
Before reading this, I was awfully worried I wouldn't like these PKD stories as much (or even a fraction of the amount) of the movies that they were made into. And so I put it off, and with the help of another procrastinator, we put it off some more.

But then it finally happened. I read them. And all my worries melted away.

The core stories are all fantastic. The details in the movies flesh it out a lot, but the core stories are fantastic. :)

I won't mention all, but I will mention a few of my favorites.

Beyond Lies the Wub - a great sarcastic, meaty philosophical treat.
Paycheck - Almost play-by-play the same as the movie. Fun.
Second Variety - Screamers movie, perhaps BETTER than the movie. :)
Imposter- One of my favorite unknown PKD movies, same fundamental twist.
The King of the Elves - Funny and sad at the same time, and I would love to see this turned into a full movie.
Adjustment Team - On the fence. Probably as good as the movie.
Autofac - A great dystopia, post war, crazy.
The Minority Report - I really got into the subtleties of the *three* minority reports, this time.
The Days of Perky Pat - Creepy because we're already here.
A Game of Unchance - Carnie fun on outposts.
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale - Total Recall, anyone?
Faith of Our Fathers - Communist China has taken over the world, but who took over the Chinese?
The Electric Ant - A fantastic perception/reality fable featuring an android PoV. :)
The Exit Door Leads In - Perfect for all of us who just want to rebel. The MC is a weenie tho. :)

I definitely enjoyed these. The ones I didn't mention were not bad, mind you, after all, this is PKD. :) ( )
  bradleyhorner | Jun 1, 2020 |
I got this out to read a sampling of Dick's early work and Jonathan Lethem's essay. The strength in his intro is qualifying the man Dick was, his ambitions and how he never felt accepted. It sets up the chronological ordering of the stories and the intention to showcase the writer Dick was and became over his career. A number of these I was already familiar with from the audiobook of his short stories Mason burned for the car years ago.

New fav: "The King of the Elves"

I should note I didn't read all of the stories and I will return to this collection. Best overall selection of his shorter works I've come across.
  Cail_Judy | Apr 21, 2020 |
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Philip K. Dickprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Lethem, JonathanIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Philip K. Dick is a necessary writer, in the someone-would-have-had-to-invent-him sense. (Introduction)
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Beyond Lies the Wub
Second Variety
The King of the Elves
Adjustment Team
Foster, You're Dead
Upon the Dull Earth
The Minority Report
The Days of Perky Pat
Precious Artifact
A Game of Unchance
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale
Faith of Our Fathers
The Electric Ant
A Little Something for Us Temponauts
The Exit Door Leads In
Rautavaara's Case
I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon
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Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick contains twenty-one of Dick's most dazzling and resonant stories, which span his entire career and show a world-class writer working at the peak of his powers. In "The Days of Perky Pat," people spend their time playing with dolls who manage to live an idyllic life no longer available to the Earth's real inhabitants. "Adjustment Team" looks at the fate of a man who by mistake has stepped out of his own time. In "Autofac," one community must battle benign machines to take back control of their lives. And in "I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon," we follow the story of one man whose very reality may be nothing more than a nightmare. The collection also includes such classic stories as "The Minority Report," the basis for the Steven Spielberg movie, and "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale," the basis for the film Total Recall. With an introduction by Jonathan Lethem, Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick is a magnificent distillation of one of American literature's most searching imaginations.

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