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He loves forever: The message of the Old Testament (Journey books)

door Thomas H. Olbricht

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Despite popular opinion, the primary characteristic of God in the Old Testament is love. His love is intense and unremitting. His love is forever. This point can't be stressed too much. The central focus of the Old Testament is God's love. Written in an easy-to-read and well-documented style, Dr. Thomas Olbricht's book provides us with an inspiring look at the steadfast, immeasurable love God has for his children by examining the following: Creation, blessings through Abraham, deliverance in the Exodus, protection in the wilderness, promise through the covenants, love through the law, victory in the conquest, inheritance of the land, and Psalms, Proverbs, and the prophets. Dr. Olbricht writes, "The story line of the Old Testament is easier to follow if one is familiar with the basic contours. This book is designed to identify certain foundational affirmations in the Old Testament and to trace the threads which bind the whole together."… (meer)
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Despite popular opinion, the primary characteristic of God in the Old Testament is love. His love is intense and unremitting. His love is forever. This point can't be stressed too much. The central focus of the Old Testament is God's love. Written in an easy-to-read and well-documented style, Dr. Thomas Olbricht's book provides us with an inspiring look at the steadfast, immeasurable love God has for his children by examining the following: Creation, blessings through Abraham, deliverance in the Exodus, protection in the wilderness, promise through the covenants, love through the law, victory in the conquest, inheritance of the land, and Psalms, Proverbs, and the prophets. Dr. Olbricht writes, "The story line of the Old Testament is easier to follow if one is familiar with the basic contours. This book is designed to identify certain foundational affirmations in the Old Testament and to trace the threads which bind the whole together."

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