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Driven door Eve Silver
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Driven (editie 2012)

door Eve Silver

Reeksen: Northern Waste (1), Shomi (3)

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23813117,115 (3.73)1
Raina Bowen knows she can handle herself just fine against anything the harsh Northern Waste throws at her. Until it throws her an enigmatic stranger called Wizard. Before she can strip bare Wizard's secrets, they're lured into a race for their lives, battling rival truckers, ice pirates and a maniac with a very personal vendetta.… (meer)
Auteurs:Eve Silver
Info:Eve Silver, August 2012 ISBN: 9780986935732 Language: English Download options: EPUB 3 (DRM-Free)
Verzamelingen:Kobo, Jouw bibliotheek, Unread
Trefwoorden:Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure Sci Fi, Adventure, Paranormal, Fiction

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Driven door Eve Kenin

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1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
a very fast read, and when I'm saying that, we're not fooling around.
  tanaise | Jul 17, 2022 |
Nice mix of postapocalyptic nasties, hot physical attraction, action, surprises and a decent finish. ( )
  sennebec | Oct 24, 2020 |
The story just never engaged me, although it was interesting enough. Up to a point. But the last 30% or so of the book got a bit repetitious for me. I found myself skimming a lot of pages. ( )
  OgreZed | Sep 15, 2020 |
2.5 there was a lot of promise, but I was left feeling like too much Mary Sue in Raina. Overall the story idea was really solid just lacked character development. ( )
  rabidgummibear | Nov 28, 2018 |
This is an older SFF Romance which appeared in the short-lived Dorchester Shomi line. It got very good reviews when it came out, and I needed a book for a challenge category so I borrowed it from my library. This is the revised version that Silver/Kenin put out after she got her rights back from Dorchester.

It's very Mad-Max in the setup and it features a kick-ass heroine, which now are all over the place but were rarer a decade ago. Raina Bowen is a long-haul truck driver in the Northern Wastes, which seem to be a sub-Arctic region spanning Canada and maybe other countries. The continent is controlled by an authoritarian government and the main intercontinental highway is owned by a Supervillain who hates Raina and wants to see her dead (but not before he tortures her a lot).

Raina is trying to win a huge bounty for being the first to deliver a load of grain to a specific destination. That goal goes by the wayside fairly quickly, when the man who is going to give her a license to drive freely on the highway is attacked by Supervillain's minions and Raina comes to his rescue. Wizard turns out to have a complicated backstory which involves rebels, genetically enhanced rebel leaders, and a bunch of other stuff.

The road romance part of the novel is pretty good, although it's disconcerting to have mental lusting when their lives are constantly in danger. The worldbuilding isn't that deep but it's more than adequate. I liked the supporting characters.

So what didn't I like? I guess it was that it felt pretty shallow. Raina was kickass and avoided connecting with people, until she didn't. Wizard was an automaton until he wasn't. The Supervillain was totally over the top. It was all kind of cartoonish, but in an easy-to-digest way. ( )
  Sunita_p | Dec 14, 2016 |
1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Raina Bowen knows she can handle herself just fine against anything the harsh Northern Waste throws at her. Until it throws her an enigmatic stranger called Wizard. Before she can strip bare Wizard's secrets, they're lured into a race for their lives, battling rival truckers, ice pirates and a maniac with a very personal vendetta.

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Gemiddelde: (3.73)
2 7
3 17
3.5 4
4 19
4.5 5
5 13


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