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Outdoor Lighting: Nudes (Outdoor Lighting)

door Cathy Joseph

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The freely nude body and nature just seem to go together, and this lushly designed guide--aimed at professional, keen amateur, and student photographers--reveals the many facets of lighting nude photography outdoors. High-quality color and black-and-white images, drawn from a range of contemporary international photographers, demonstrate a variety of beautiful effects, all using the sun as the principal light source. See how to make the most of light and form, create a mood, and situate the figure within the landscape. Each spread is self-contained, with one or two images illustrating a specific topic, such as working in shade or using flash. The accompanying text explains the background behind these pictures, illuminating the thought processes of the photographers and detailing how composition and location are used to fine effect. Lighting plans, including a diagram of the sun's position and information on any supplementary devices (such as a reflector), will be invaluable for anyone trying to achieve similar results.… (meer)
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The freely nude body and nature just seem to go together, and this lushly designed guide--aimed at professional, keen amateur, and student photographers--reveals the many facets of lighting nude photography outdoors. High-quality color and black-and-white images, drawn from a range of contemporary international photographers, demonstrate a variety of beautiful effects, all using the sun as the principal light source. See how to make the most of light and form, create a mood, and situate the figure within the landscape. Each spread is self-contained, with one or two images illustrating a specific topic, such as working in shade or using flash. The accompanying text explains the background behind these pictures, illuminating the thought processes of the photographers and detailing how composition and location are used to fine effect. Lighting plans, including a diagram of the sun's position and information on any supplementary devices (such as a reflector), will be invaluable for anyone trying to achieve similar results.

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