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Beyond the Body Farm: A Legendary Bone…
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Beyond the Body Farm: A Legendary Bone Detective Explores Murders, Mysteries, and the Revolution in Forensic Science (origineel 2007; editie 2008)

door Dr. Bill Bass (Auteur)

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5491545,742 (3.82)27
A forensic anthropologist tracks the field's increasing sophistication as reflected by cases throughout his career, describing such newer technologies as DNA processing and electron microscopy, and examining past cases in which new developments proved pivotal.
Titel:Beyond the Body Farm: A Legendary Bone Detective Explores Murders, Mysteries, and the Revolution in Forensic Science
Auteurs:Dr. Bill Bass (Auteur)
Info:William Morrow Paperbacks (2008), Edition: Reprint, 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Beyond the Body Farm: A Legendary Bone Detective Explores Murders, Mysteries, and the Revolution in Forensic Science door Bill Bass (2007)

  1. 20
    Bones: A Forensic Detective's Casebook door Douglas H. Ubelaker (Bookmarque)
    Bookmarque: Because Ubelaker's direct style is similar and his casebook is very interesting.
  2. 00
    The American Way of Death door Jessica Mitford (SomeGuyInVirginia)
    SomeGuyInVirginia: AWD tangential to forensic anthropology. Of special interest is the chapter in BBF on exhuming the body of the Big Bopper and details of his embalming and burial vault, and discussion of likely types of decomposition.
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Book 80.
Beyond the Body Farm
Dr Bill Bass.
Eleanor Conway
This book had a massive impact on me. So much so that I wrote to the author to ask he he wanted my body when I die (and Peter's too) he wouldn't pay the postage all the way to USA so he advised me who to contact in UK. Sarah at Leeds university sent me the paperwork and now it's with our will. Our bodies will now go for research.
Lesley Baldwin see here it happens to all of us. Lesley is not guilty by the way!!
Please have another look and see if you have it. The cover looks different to this photo.
9/10. ( )
  janicearkulisz | Aug 2, 2024 |
Legendary forensic anthropologist and “Body Farm” founder Dr. William Bass describes several of the cases that he’s worked on in his decades-long career. The cases highlight different aspects of forensic anthropology and the methods available to criminal investigators for identifying unknown corpses and determining cause of death. Bass is wearing his educator hat as he writes, and lay readers will come away with a basic understanding of forensic anthropology, its history, and related fields such as forensic dentistry and forensic entomology. Although Dr. Bass retired more than 30 years ago, he has continued to consult with criminal investigators. One interesting thing that this book illustrates is just how influential Dr. Bass has been in this field. Many of the professionals whose groundbreaking discoveries continue to advance the practice of forensic anthropology studied under Dr. Bass or under one of his former students. ( )
  cbl_tn | Mar 10, 2024 |
Recensione su World of Interests

Non so bene come recensire questo libro.

Non è un romanzo, bensì una raccolta di casi a cui Bill Bass ha partecipato come antropologo forense. L’autore (e il co-autore) ci racconta sia di successi che di fallimenti nella sua lunga carriera attraverso alcuni casi ben scelti. Inoltre, accenna anche al suo lavoro presso la “Fabbrica dei Corpi”, dove gli scienziati possono osservare i vari stadi della decomposizione di cadaveri in vari ambienti e con delle varianti che vanno dalla temperatura all’arrivo degli insetti.

Insomma, non è esattamente un libro per tutti. E non è esattamente allegro.

Io personalmente non ne sapevo niente: a parte il fatto che studio Storia, ma è la prima volta che cedo alla curiosità di saperne di più rispetto a questi argomenti.

Bill Bass scrive egregiamente, quasi in modo leggero anche se scientificamente corretto, e attraverso questo libro credo di aver imparato molte cose rispetto al corpo umano e anche rispetto all’argomento saliente: la decomposizione dei corpi, nonché come l’antropologia aiuta ad identificare le vittime.

Non so bene cosa dirvi: non ci sono personaggi se non Bass e le vittime che ha aiutato a identificare, non c’è una storia se non quella della carriera di Bass. Ma una cosa la voglio dire: credo che questo e altri libri sull’argomento siano fondamentali per quegli autori che desiderano parlare di certi argomenti, ed evitare di fare errori come in CSI (di cui anche Bass parla, per via delle discrepanze tra la realtà dei fatti e la finzione).

Vorrei anche dire che, in effetti, mi sono affezionata ad alcuni casi che Bass riprende nel corso del libro a causa della distanza fra gli anni e tra le tecnologie disponibili.

Insomma, credo che leggendo l’appendice e facendo attenzione a quello che dice Bass, che ha lavorato in questo ambito anche dopo la pensione, si possano imparare molte cose. Non sui serial killer o comunque sugli uccisori, ma sulle vittime e le prove che i loro corpi e le loro ossa sussurrano a persone come l’autore.

Se non siete schizzinosi e se non vi fa senso la cosa, voglio davvero consigliarvi questo libro e sapere cosa ne pensate. Quando l’ho preso in prestito in biblioteca non pensavo che mi avrebbe fatto interessare alla materia così tanto, ma è stato il contrario.

Insomma, leggetelo e ditemi cosa ne pensate ( )
  thereadingpal | Jun 14, 2022 |
another book by forensic anthropologist, includes Iranian tomb guards and exhumation of Big Bopper to end rumors of murder on last flight
  ritaer | Aug 13, 2021 |
Jefferson Bass, (two different people by the way), has written several very good books revolving around the Body Farm in Tennessee. This is one of the two books about the real Body Farm written by Dr. Bass. Fans of the fictional books will enjoy the insight into this unusual place. ( )
  Carol420 | May 31, 2016 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (1 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Bill Bassprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Bass, William M.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Jefferson, JonAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Leccacorvi, DarioVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
In memory of Dr. Wilton Krogman and Dr. Charlie Snow, pioneering forensic anthropologists and inspiring teachers
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
One April morning fifty-one years ago, Charlie Snow, my anthropology professor at the University of Kentucky, walked into the bone lab as I was hunched over a tray of bones, and asked if I would like to come along on a human identification case. (Introduction)
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A forensic anthropologist tracks the field's increasing sophistication as reflected by cases throughout his career, describing such newer technologies as DNA processing and electron microscopy, and examining past cases in which new developments proved pivotal.

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