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Michel Thomas Method: French Vocabulary Course (Michel Thomas Series)

door Michel Thomas

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Learn another language the way you learnt your own! As a child, you learnt your own language naturally and enjoyably: now you can learn French vocabulary in the same way. - Use the unique method perfected over fifty years by the celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas - This method works with your brain, helping you to build up your French in manageable, enjoyable steps by thinking out the answers for yourself. - You learn through listening and speaking - the way you learnt as a child. - You then pick up the language naturally and unforgettably. This NEW Vocabulary Course builds on the Foundation and Advanced Courses to increase the number and range of words you will be able to use. Rose Lee Hayden, Michel Thomas's most trusted teacher, shares her first-hand insights with the author, Hélène Lewis, who teaches French at Bournemouth University, to give you over 1,000 words in a unique and memorable way. The presenter is joined by two native speakers to make sure your pronunciation is perfect, while a booklet shows you the written language. You'll stick with it because you'll love it!… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doordrewpaul2808, Unplugging, IanKendall, dughud, samwolfe
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Learn another language the way you learnt your own! As a child, you learnt your own language naturally and enjoyably: now you can learn French vocabulary in the same way. - Use the unique method perfected over fifty years by the celebrated psychologist and linguist Michel Thomas - This method works with your brain, helping you to build up your French in manageable, enjoyable steps by thinking out the answers for yourself. - You learn through listening and speaking - the way you learnt as a child. - You then pick up the language naturally and unforgettably. This NEW Vocabulary Course builds on the Foundation and Advanced Courses to increase the number and range of words you will be able to use. Rose Lee Hayden, Michel Thomas's most trusted teacher, shares her first-hand insights with the author, Hélène Lewis, who teaches French at Bournemouth University, to give you over 1,000 words in a unique and memorable way. The presenter is joined by two native speakers to make sure your pronunciation is perfect, while a booklet shows you the written language. You'll stick with it because you'll love it!

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