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Open Source XML Database Toolkit: Resources and Techniques for Improved Development

door Liam Quin

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An in-depth look at making XML work with database applications Open Source XML Database Toolkit This guide will arm you with the nuts-and-bolts information and tools you'll need to exploit XML's powerful capabilities. Focusing specifically on how XML works with database technologies-including relational and object-oriented databases-the book provides clear technical coverage of the key issues involved with storing XML in databases and using databases with XML applications. Expert Liam Quin first introduces you to the main concepts of XML and then reveals how to work with this technology. He offers helpful tips and techniques to show you how to move data stored in relational databases in and out of an XML application. You'll also learn how to store XML documents in a database, find and use the best XML database tools and applications, and store links in a database for metadata access. You'll also gain a better understanding of W3C specifications for XQL, XSL, Xlink, and Xpointer. Programmers, Web developers, and technical managers who need to extract database contents as XML or store XML in a database will find this book to be an invaluable resource. This book concentrates on techniques rather than specific tools, but mentions a wide range of software, both commercial and open source, including: * FreeBSD, Solaris, and Linux * MySQL * XT and other XML processors * Apache * Oracle * SoftQuad XMetal and other XML editing software * Object Design's ObjectStore The companion Web site at features: * Additional resources * Utilities * Examples from the book * Updated information… (meer)
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An in-depth look at making XML work with database applications Open Source XML Database Toolkit This guide will arm you with the nuts-and-bolts information and tools you'll need to exploit XML's powerful capabilities. Focusing specifically on how XML works with database technologies-including relational and object-oriented databases-the book provides clear technical coverage of the key issues involved with storing XML in databases and using databases with XML applications. Expert Liam Quin first introduces you to the main concepts of XML and then reveals how to work with this technology. He offers helpful tips and techniques to show you how to move data stored in relational databases in and out of an XML application. You'll also learn how to store XML documents in a database, find and use the best XML database tools and applications, and store links in a database for metadata access. You'll also gain a better understanding of W3C specifications for XQL, XSL, Xlink, and Xpointer. Programmers, Web developers, and technical managers who need to extract database contents as XML or store XML in a database will find this book to be an invaluable resource. This book concentrates on techniques rather than specific tools, but mentions a wide range of software, both commercial and open source, including: * FreeBSD, Solaris, and Linux * MySQL * XT and other XML processors * Apache * Oracle * SoftQuad XMetal and other XML editing software * Object Design's ObjectStore The companion Web site at features: * Additional resources * Utilities * Examples from the book * Updated information

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