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The Beatles: The Biography door Bob Spitz
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The Beatles: The Biography (editie 2006)

door Bob Spitz

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1,1071919,004 (4.07)18
Even before the Beatles hit the big time, a myth was created. The Beatles legend smoothed the rough edges and filled in the fault lines, and for more than forty years this manicured version of the Beatles story has sustained as truth--until now. This biography is the product of almost a decade of research, hundreds of unprecedented interviews, and the discovery of scores of never-before-revealed documents.--From publisher description.… (meer)
Titel:The Beatles: The Biography
Auteurs:Bob Spitz
Info:Back Bay Books (2006), Paperback, 992 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Beatles. De biografie door Bob Spitz

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ummary: A biography of the band from its beginnings, rise, Beatlemania, studio work, and demise, with mini-biographies of each of the Beatles, their manager, Brian Epstein.

One of those “where were you?” moments for those of us of a certain age is “where were you when The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan show for the first time?” I was a fourth grader, watching them on my grandparents television while the adults tut-tutted about the “long hairs” and their music. Inside, I was fascinated, as were all my classmates, especially the girls, who talked endlessly about “my favorite Beatle.”

The 2005 “biography” of the Fab Four brings back all those memories and so much more–much that was fascinating and some that I’d rather not have known. Spitz traces the history of the band from its beginnings with John Lennon and The Quarrymen, the meeting with Paul McCartney, the Liverpool years and the various combinations of musicians including the fan favorite drummer Pete Best whose home was a favorite hangout until he was unceremoniously ditched and Ringo brought on board on the eve of their fame. Spitz writes abbreviated biographies of each of the Beatles and their manager, Brian Epstein.

We learn how formative their time in Hamburg was and the significant advance they made under Brian Epstein’s management. Spitz takes us through all the things he did to polish their image, how they became “The Beatles,” his efforts to get them recorded and promoted, and the mistakes he made in setting up recording contracts. As their records hit the charts and they toured Great Britain, we see them reach the “toppermost of the poppermost.” Then Ed Sullivan. America. Beatlemania with its surging crowds, shrieking and swooning girls, and ever-increasing danger to the Beatles leading to their end of touring in 1966.

Spitz takes us behind the scenes and we see the genius of the songwriting duo of Lennon-McCartney as well as the eventual strains in their relationship, the guitarwork and growing skill of George and how Ringo not only provided the musical foundation for the band but also a certain emotional glue. We learn what it was like to record at Abbey Road. We observe the self-effacing genius of George Martin, who never profited beyond his modest salary, helping with the innovative work on albums like “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

Spitz reminds us of the trip to India to learn meditation as the band sought both to grow spiritually and mend the growing artistic and personal rifts that would ultimately lead to their demise, particularly after Yoko Ono entered the scene, helping further alienate John from the others. We read accounts of the final recording sessions and the release of “Abbey Road” and their last live concert on a London rooftop, where amid all the tensions, they momentarily recaptured the joy of making music together.

Then there is the seamier side. The drug use beginning with amphetamines, marijuana, and eventually LSD, and in John’s case heroin, from which he was often strung out and increasingly erratic. The women. So many “birds” to have sex with, as was the case with many rockers. At one point, all were being treated for gonorrhea. There is the brilliant and sad Brian Epstein and his closeted gay life, including rough sex leaving him beaten and robbed, and his growing despair as he felt he was losing control of the Beatles, leading to his death, whether accidental or suicide, from an overdose of drugs. While they were rich, through Epstein’s mistakes and their own debacle with Apple, they foolishly lost millions.

There is the tragic. Going back to Hamburg days, the death of onetime bandmate Stu Sutcliffe, the firing of Pete Best and the way it was done. The betrayal of Lennon’s wife, Cynthia, and Paul’s girlfriend, Jane Asher. The end of the band itself, chronicled in agonizing detail. And later deaths: John, George, Linda Eastman McCartney.

This is a huge biography, coming in at 983 pages, including photos and notes. Yet it is a fascinating read that gives one a sense of the hard work it took to become “The Beatles” the genius of Lennon and McCartney, the trauma of Beatlemania, the behind-the-scenes accounts of the making of each album and so much more. At the same time, we see them as all-too-human, flawed and forming young men thrust into the fame and fortune they’d dreamed of but were not prepared to handle. What is astounding is to consider that most of the output of The Beatles took place over just seven fraught years, from 1963 to 1969. Yet they changed rock ‘n roll forever. Spitz gives us the “crowded hours” of that epic journey. ( )
  BobonBooks | Feb 18, 2024 |
For anyone who did not live through the 60s and 70s and wants to know what all the fuss was about. Or, for anyone who wants to find out the real "trash" on these guys. Reads like a novel, but provides a fairly balanced portrait. ( )
  dbsovereign | Jan 26, 2016 |
O livro é bastante interessante por mostrar o início da vida dos quatro Beatles antes da banda, além de personagens como Yoko Ono, Brian Epstein e Stuart Sutcliffe. Passagens desconhecidas foram destacados, com base em uma base enorme de fontes e entrevistas.

A obra falha, no entanto, nas partes mais conhecidas da breve duração da banda. A impressão que fica é que o livro ficou tão extenso, que o autor teve que correr no fim da história, passando quase superficialmente durante os últimos anos. Nada que desabone, já que as principais histórias são de amplo conhecimento.

A edição brasileira também peca na tradução. São muitos tradutores (nove no total) para um único livro e a diferença de estilo de um para o outro é perceptível durante a mudança de um capítulo para o outro.

Literatura indispensável para qualquer admirador dos Beatles ou de boa música. ( )
  edmurbobby | Sep 29, 2015 |
This was the first extensive biography I had ever read on the Beatles, and I don't think I could have picked a better example to start with. This massive tome covers the entire history of the Beatles, from their childhoods to their skiffle beginnings to their angry final sessions at Abbey Road Studios, and everything in between.

The problem of chronicling the history of the Beatles (or any pop culture superstar, for that matter) is that myth and reality get so wrapped with each other that it's hard to tell which is which. And with a group as legendary, controversial, and beloved as The Beatles, it's even harder for the author to keep subjective emotions from clouding the facts.

Now, this biography is not free from the author's emotions (his dislike of Yoko Ono, for example, is quite noticeable), but Bob Spitz goes to great lengths to dispel the myths surrounding the Beatle's existence and make each member of the Fab Four stand out as individuals. And to this extent, he succeeds marvelously. John Lennon is portrayed as a conflicted, frustrated, yet violent artist, Paul McCartney as a diplomatic, ingratiating, and slightly arrogant musician, George Harrison as a brooding, sarcastic, and occasionally biting guitarist who was never given much of an opportunity to grow within the band, and Ringo Starr as an easygoing band mate with tendencies towards brooding and moodiness. Are these perceptions accurate? It's hard to say. With the Beatles, there will never be one "correct" account of their work, but it's really something to see these larger-than-life personalities become grounded and somehow almost more human.

As much as I loved this book, this would not be the best title to start with if someone is just beginning to explore the history of the Beatles. For example, the first third of the book focuses solely on the Beatles early beginnings, back when they were still in school and playing local gigs as the Quarry Men. While it sets the stage brilliantly for the triumphs and challenges that were to come in later years, that section is overwhelmingly detailed, to say the least, and may be unnecessary for someone who is solely interested in the Beatles' heyday.

This book requires commitment and an open mind, but the journey it creates for the reader is exhilarating, shocking, heartbreaking, infuriating, and awe-inspiring - just like the Beatles themselves.

Recommended for: dedicated Beatles fans and/or rock 'n roll buffs.


There aren't many books that can match this one in terms of scope or detail, but here are some other acclaimed books about the Beatles.

The Beatles Anthology. A massive collection of original interviews, rare photos, and artwork from the Beatles' career.

The Beatles - Hunter Davis. Davies was the authorized biographer for the band, and his biography was published in 1968. There's a lot of information about the band, coming firsthand from someone who knew them well, but unfortunately, it's an incomplete history.

Revolution in the Head - Ian MacDonald. A thorough analysis of the Beatles' music and its relationship to the social changes of the 1960's. It mixes a fan's enthusiasm with the highest level of musical history & criticism.

Here, There, and Everywhere: My Life Recording the Music of the Beatles - Geoff Emerick. As the Beatles' primary sound engineer for Revolver & Sgt. Pepper's, Emerick has many fascinating tales about the band, their music, and their group dynamics at the height of their musical career. There's a lot of emphasis on technical aspects, but it's still a highly readable book, and it packs a heck of an emotional wallop by the end ( )
  coloradogirl14 | Sep 24, 2013 |
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Bob Spitzprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Molina, AlfredVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Stansic, RenatoOntwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Even before the Beatles hit the big time, a myth was created. The Beatles legend smoothed the rough edges and filled in the fault lines, and for more than forty years this manicured version of the Beatles story has sustained as truth--until now. This biography is the product of almost a decade of research, hundreds of unprecedented interviews, and the discovery of scores of never-before-revealed documents.--From publisher description.

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