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My People: The History of those Christians Sometimes Called Plymouth Brethren

door Robert Baylis

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There's a "Brethren" connection in the history of the Gideons, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, the Christian Businessmen's Committee, Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, Regent College, Good News Publishers, the prophecy movements, and numerous missionary ventures. With little hierarchy or structure, these "assemblies" of those who "gather unto the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ" have left an indelible mark on the North American evangelical scene. From their origins in the 1820's as an idealistic movement in the British Isles to the present, those commonly called "Plymouth Brethren" have planted churches, evangelized, founded schools, and launched influential publishing ventures. But their relentless quest for New Testament fidelity has paradoxically divided them into numerous shades and subtle differences. Uniquely documented, with over 100 illustrations and photographs, this history of the Brethren in North America will take its place as the definitive survey by a veteran insider. Robert H. Baylis has worked on this history for years: "The Brethren are my people. Through a lifetime of association with the assemblies, I know them well, both their strengths and their weaknesses. My purpose in this history is to tell their story in a positive way."… (meer)
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There's a "Brethren" connection in the history of the Gideons, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, the Christian Businessmen's Committee, Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, Regent College, Good News Publishers, the prophecy movements, and numerous missionary ventures. With little hierarchy or structure, these "assemblies" of those who "gather unto the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ" have left an indelible mark on the North American evangelical scene. From their origins in the 1820's as an idealistic movement in the British Isles to the present, those commonly called "Plymouth Brethren" have planted churches, evangelized, founded schools, and launched influential publishing ventures. But their relentless quest for New Testament fidelity has paradoxically divided them into numerous shades and subtle differences. Uniquely documented, with over 100 illustrations and photographs, this history of the Brethren in North America will take its place as the definitive survey by a veteran insider. Robert H. Baylis has worked on this history for years: "The Brethren are my people. Through a lifetime of association with the assemblies, I know them well, both their strengths and their weaknesses. My purpose in this history is to tell their story in a positive way."

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