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Sahara door Michael Palin
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Sahara (origineel 2002; editie 2002)

door Michael Palin

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829827,537 (3.62)10
Michael Palin's latest journey will be across the Sahara desert, a place of romantic, almost magical appeal. Although famous as a geological location, its life, landscape and rich history are not so well-known. Periods of difficult travel will be repaid with new sights and sounds, people, languages, food and customs. The emphasis will be on Michael Palin's interaction with the people he meets, and on stretching him and his team as they undergo this arduous expedition. The book and audio cassette reading will tie in with a major new BBC television series of the same name.… (meer)
Auteurs:Michael Palin
Info:Weidenfeld & Nicolson (2002), Hardcover, 256 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Sahara door Michael Palin (2002)

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1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
A fun armchair travel book by the former Monty Python star who is a funny, warm and humane travel writer. ( )
  kaitanya64 | Jan 3, 2017 |
My first book by this wonderful travel author. How has he eluded me for so long? Michael Palin is that perfect mix of an excellent observer of all that is discordant and wise and genuine combined with a fearless desire to visit places others fear to trod. Happy to have discovered this new-to-me author. ( )
  debnance | Nov 10, 2012 |
This a book that details Palin's trip through the Sahara. There is a BBC show by the same name. This book gives a daily account of this trip, places Palin went and the people he met on his journey. This book gives a little insight on the region and the difficulties that the region faces. ( )
  foof2you | Oct 25, 2010 |
You probably would have guessed by now that I really enjoy reading Michael Palin’s travel books. That would be correct, I find them a delightful way to reminisce after watching the accompanying TV series as they give a lot more insight and background.

Did you know that Sahara was filmed in two parts? Or that 9/11 occurred while they were in the middle of the Sahara and didn’t see any footage for days? How many times did the crew get food poisoning?

You’ll find all this and more in Palin’s meticulous (but never boring) travel diaries. Covering the trip across the Sahara in a variety of means and meeting a number of people, it’s a fascinating armchair ride. His language paints a very detailed picture in your mind.

I didn’t enjoy this as much as Around the World in Eighty Days but that’s probably because I’m not as interested in Africa. But if you’re an Africa fan, you’ll love this. ( )
  birdsam0610 | Aug 17, 2010 |
Distance-wise, this is oe of Palin's smaller undertakings, yet the harsh climate offers other challenges. Armed with his usual good humour and curious knack for finding the funny side of every situation, Palin embarks on his fifth journey. ( )
  Tselja | Feb 25, 2010 |
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For Helen, Tom, Will and Rachel
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Only 300 miles from the Sahara Desert there is a place where brass bands play, warm beer is served and a blue lamp marks the police station.
My father was in charge of the Export Department of a steelworks and every Christmas he received an enormous box of dates from their agent in Algeria, addressed to a Mr. E. M. Palm. (Introduction)
I'm glad to be home, but in the all-moving, all-talking mayhem of modern life, my restless thoughts go back to that great place of silence and apparently infinite space. (Afterword)
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Michael Palin's latest journey will be across the Sahara desert, a place of romantic, almost magical appeal. Although famous as a geological location, its life, landscape and rich history are not so well-known. Periods of difficult travel will be repaid with new sights and sounds, people, languages, food and customs. The emphasis will be on Michael Palin's interaction with the people he meets, and on stretching him and his team as they undergo this arduous expedition. The book and audio cassette reading will tie in with a major new BBC television series of the same name.

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Gemiddelde: (3.62)
1 3
2 6
2.5 2
3 35
3.5 8
4 49
4.5 2
5 16

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