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My Mountain Song door Shutta Crum
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My Mountain Song (editie 2004)

door Shutta Crum, Ted Rand (Illustrator), Shutta Crum (Auteur)

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512519,616 (4.5)Geen
One summer day on her great-grandparents' Kentucky farm, a squabble with her cousin Melvin spurs Brenda Gail to begin choosing the moments that will become her own special song made of memories.
Titel:My Mountain Song
Auteurs:Shutta Crum
Andere auteurs:Ted Rand (Illustrator), Shutta Crum (Auteur)
Info:Clarion Books (2004), Edition: None, Hardcover, 32 pages
Trefwoorden:Memories, Music, Song, Family

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My Mountain Song door Shutta Crum

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It's summer and Brenda Gail goes to spend some days at her grandparents' farm in the mountains in Kentucky. She is excited to be away from her siblings and be surrounded by nature and Grand pap's mountain song. Her grandpa tells her everyone has their own mountain sing, made of bits of things they like about the mountains and the feelings of living there. But what does Brenda's song sound like? Also on the farm is pesky cousin Melvin. he teases Brenda and her dog Duke all day. While arguing with Melvin outside, Brenda grabs dirt and rocks to throw to Melvin and accidentally injures Morning Glory's leg. Morning Glory is grandma's favorite hen.After Melvin apologizes and they see Morning Glory is fine, they continue trying to find what to put each on their mountain song. I loved how the book leaves a message of how our lives (mountain songs) are made of moments that mark us and shape us into the person we are. It reminds me of my mother's words "life is made in little details." ( )
  MonikaNicole | Feb 17, 2018 |
Kindergarten-Grade 3–"In the mountains down south, morning is musical." Young Brenda Gail revels in sounds, from the rooster's cry to the screen door's swish, but nothing pleases her more than discovering her Gran Pap humming his special mountain song. He informs her that everyone born in the mountains has a song in them, and Brenda Gail can create her own tune with her favorite memories. As she goes through the day, she gathers, much as she does eggs, ideas to add to her own melody. She includes her great-grandparents along with her favorite animals and activities, but draws the line at her annoying cousin Melvin–there is no way that he will be part of her composition. A near tragedy softens her resolve, and she learns that the best songs (and families) encompass a variety of emotions. Crum's lyrical words work well with Rand's fluid watercolors. With their soft impressionistic look, the full-bleed illustrations, executed in faded browns and grays with touches of pastel hues, have a timeless quality that elicits a feeling of nostalgia. Together, author and illustrator have created a delight for the senses that harmonizes the coziness of a close-knit family with the gentle ambience of old-fashioned farm life
  Junep | Jun 19, 2008 |
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One summer day on her great-grandparents' Kentucky farm, a squabble with her cousin Melvin spurs Brenda Gail to begin choosing the moments that will become her own special song made of memories.

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