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The house on the cliff door D. E. Stevenson
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The house on the cliff (origineel 1966; editie 1966)

door D. E. Stevenson

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1563181,317 (3.84)4
'Suddenly Glen Siddons turned his head and saw her... and smiled to her. He had smiled to her as if they two were alone in the world and she had fallen in love with him then and there.' Elfrida Jane, accustomed to the energetic life of a small-part actress, finds life at Mountain Cross very different. At first her mother's old cliff-top house seems lonely and bleak, compared to the glitter and bustle of the theatre. But Elfrida has plenty of courage and soon settles down to enjoy herself. Then, suddenly, her peace is shattered. To the house on the cliff come unexpected visitors from the world of the theatre - a world Elfrida thought she had left behind forever...--Taken from dust jacket.… (meer)
Titel:The house on the cliff
Auteurs:D. E. Stevenson
Info:New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1966] 282 p. 22 cm. [1st ed.]
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The House on the Cliff door D. E. Stevenson (1966)

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    Het Spel der Tronen door George R. R. Martin (Anonieme gebruiker)
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Very enjoyable story about a girl named Elfrida Jane, an actress of mediocre talent who finds herself alone in the world after the death of her mother. A friend sees an advertisement in the newspaper from someone who is looking for Elfrida or her mother. When Elfrida answers the ad, she finds that a lawyer stands ready to help her claim her inheritance-- her mother's family's ancestral home, an estate called Mountain Cross. Because of a family disagreement, Elfrida never met her grandparents and never visited their home. Now when she goes to survey it, she falls in love with it and determines to keep it, give up her career on the stage, and live there. This begins her journey to greater self-confidence and contentment. Along the way, she becomes responsible for a darling little boy, falls in love with a man of the nicest sort, and gains a feeling of belonging within her neighborhood. Extremely pleasant and relaxing read. More plot than some of D.E. Stevenson's books. ( )
  Alishadt | Feb 25, 2023 |
A mild, completely predictable and really very sweet romance. I enjoyed it much more than I thought it would. Lovely "comfort reading" - sometimes needed to balance the more deep, dark and complex novels which require our full engagement! ( )
  leavesandpages | Mar 22, 2013 |
This is an uncharacteristically formulaic effort for D. E. Stevenson. It hardly misses a cliché of 1960s romance: when I set it down, I absentmindedly expected to pick up a vintage Harlequin paperback. Orphan girl, no relatives: check. Grandparents wealthy, quarrelled with mother over unsuitable marriage, now deceased: check. Ancestral home in romantic windswept setting, faithful retainers, benevolent elderly lawyer: check, check, check. Attractive, sexy, shallow and caddish love interest versus virile yet sensitive protegé of benevolent lawyer - all present.

D. E. Stevenson being who she is, she does a good job of it and there are many interesting secondary characters, amusing situations, and sufficient drama, but this is far from her usual standard. ( )
  muumi | Jul 29, 2010 |
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To J.R.P. with love from D.E.S./ 20th January, 1966
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Messrs. Riggs, Sandford and Wilkins is an old-established firm of lawyers whose offices are to be found in a quiet street not far from the Palace of Westminster.
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'Suddenly Glen Siddons turned his head and saw her... and smiled to her. He had smiled to her as if they two were alone in the world and she had fallen in love with him then and there.' Elfrida Jane, accustomed to the energetic life of a small-part actress, finds life at Mountain Cross very different. At first her mother's old cliff-top house seems lonely and bleak, compared to the glitter and bustle of the theatre. But Elfrida has plenty of courage and soon settles down to enjoy herself. Then, suddenly, her peace is shattered. To the house on the cliff come unexpected visitors from the world of the theatre - a world Elfrida thought she had left behind forever...--Taken from dust jacket.

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4 15
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