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Kalimantan = Borneo

door Kal Muller, Kal Müller

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The "Periplus Adventure Guides" do precisely what a great travel book should do -- make you want to get up and go! Periplus adventure guides show you how to get there, and then help make the absolute most out of a stay, leaving no stone, no beach, no fine restaurant or mountain trail untried. With detailed, up-to-date maps, photographs -- both new and archival -- personal recommendations and inside tips from expert authors, the guides go well beyond the usual travel fare and offer an extraordinary value for the money.This fall, Periplus proudly offers nine additions to the Adventure Guide list, exploring some of the most breathtaking, historically important and lesser known regions of Indonesia and Malaysia and Singapore. These include an updated guide to the exotic volcanic island of Bali; the flora and faunarich rainforests of East Malaysia and Brunei; the little known islands of Nusa Tenggara that lie East of Bali from Lombok to Timor; the center of the Indonesian archipelago, Java, richin Buddhist tradition; the primitive and wildlife-filled province of Kalimanatan: Indonesian Borneo, home to the fascinating Dyak culture; Maluku: Indonesian Spice Islands, a sun-drenched string of pearl like islands in the tropical sea of Eastern Indonesia; the truly wild, mountainous island of Sulawesi -- for which this is the only guidebook available; Sumatra, home of mighty rivers, sparkling highland lakes and lush tropical rain forests; and the most comprehensive guide to West Malaysia and Singapore ever produced.… (meer)
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Kal Mullerprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Müller, Kalprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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The "Periplus Adventure Guides" do precisely what a great travel book should do -- make you want to get up and go! Periplus adventure guides show you how to get there, and then help make the absolute most out of a stay, leaving no stone, no beach, no fine restaurant or mountain trail untried. With detailed, up-to-date maps, photographs -- both new and archival -- personal recommendations and inside tips from expert authors, the guides go well beyond the usual travel fare and offer an extraordinary value for the money.This fall, Periplus proudly offers nine additions to the Adventure Guide list, exploring some of the most breathtaking, historically important and lesser known regions of Indonesia and Malaysia and Singapore. These include an updated guide to the exotic volcanic island of Bali; the flora and faunarich rainforests of East Malaysia and Brunei; the little known islands of Nusa Tenggara that lie East of Bali from Lombok to Timor; the center of the Indonesian archipelago, Java, richin Buddhist tradition; the primitive and wildlife-filled province of Kalimanatan: Indonesian Borneo, home to the fascinating Dyak culture; Maluku: Indonesian Spice Islands, a sun-drenched string of pearl like islands in the tropical sea of Eastern Indonesia; the truly wild, mountainous island of Sulawesi -- for which this is the only guidebook available; Sumatra, home of mighty rivers, sparkling highland lakes and lush tropical rain forests; and the most comprehensive guide to West Malaysia and Singapore ever produced.

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