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Bastet (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) door Phil…
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Bastet (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) (editie 1996)

door Phil Brucato (Auteur)

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1531184,862 (3.26)Geen
Werewolf: The Apocalypse is about anger over the loss of what the shapeshifting Garou hold dearest: Gaia, the Earth itself. Corruption from without and within has caused the destruction not only of the Garou's environment, but also of their families, friends and culture, which extends in an unbroken line to the very dawn of life. No matter how righteously the Garou hold themselves, no matter how they prey on their destroyers, the corruption spreads.Now the time for reconciliation is past. This grave insult against Gaia can end in only one way: blood, betrayal... and rage.The secrets of the elusive werecats revealed.… (meer)
Titel:Bastet (Werewolf: The Apocalypse)
Auteurs:Phil Brucato (Auteur)
Info:White Wolf Publishing (1996), 160 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Changing Breeds: Bastet door Phil Brucato

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The WereCats, a proud people and each tribe of cats as different from onanother as can be expected. The proud Simba, the stealthly Bagheera, 9 tribes of cats roam the world trying to learn all Gaia's secrets ( )
  readafew | Jan 3, 2007 |
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse is about anger over the loss of what the shapeshifting Garou hold dearest: Gaia, the Earth itself. Corruption from without and within has caused the destruction not only of the Garou's environment, but also of their families, friends and culture, which extends in an unbroken line to the very dawn of life. No matter how righteously the Garou hold themselves, no matter how they prey on their destroyers, the corruption spreads.Now the time for reconciliation is past. This grave insult against Gaia can end in only one way: blood, betrayal... and rage.The secrets of the elusive werecats revealed.

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