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Abide with Me: A Novel door Elizabeth Strout
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Abide with Me: A Novel (editie 2007)

door Elizabeth Strout

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1,3846614,111 (3.69)74
Fiction. Literature. HTML:NATIONAL BESTSELLER • From the Pulitzer Prize–winning, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Olive Kitteridge comes a “superb” (O: The Oprah Magazine) novel that “confirms Strout as the possessor of an irresistibly companionable, peculiarly American voice.” (The Atlantic Monthly)
In the late 1950s, in a small New England town, Reverend Tyler Caskey has suffered a terrible loss and finds it hard to be the person he once was. He struggles to find the right words in his sermons and in his conversations with those facing crises of their own, and to bring his five-year-old daughter, Katherine, out of the silence she has observed in the wake of the family’s tragedy. Tyler’s usually patient and kind congregation now questions his leadership and propriety, and accusations are born out of anger and gossip. Then, in Tyler’s darkest hour, a startling discovery will test his parish’s humanity—and his own will to endure the trials that sooner or later test us all.
Praise for Abide With Me
“Strout’s greatly anticipated second novel . . . is an answered prayer.”Vanity Fair
“Deeply moving . . . In one beautiful page after another, Strout captures the mysterious combinations of hope and sorrow. She sees all these wounded people with heartbreaking clarity, but she has managed to write a story that cradles them in understanding and that, somehow, seems like a foretaste of salvation.”The Washington Post
“Graceful and moving . . . The pacing of Strout’s deeply felt fiction about the distance between parents and children gives her work an addictive quality.”People (four stars).
… (meer)
Titel:Abide with Me: A Novel
Auteurs:Elizabeth Strout
Info:Random House Trade Paperbacks (2007), Paperback, 320 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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Tyler Caskey marries Lauren, a feisty young woman. When he becomes a Reverend, they move to New England, where he is pastor of a small community. The community doesn't think much of Lauren, and after her death, Tyler struggles to raise his daughters and care for the needs of his church members.
A touching story of a man's, and a community's, search for holiness. ( )
  rmarcin | Aug 13, 2024 |
Secondo libro di Strout letto di fila, sull'entusiasmo provocato da Olive Kitteridge, dalla cui grazia compiuta questo libro - pubblicato due anni prima - risulta lontano. C'è anche qui l'ambientazione del Maine, resa con altrettanta precisione, e ci sono anche qui piccole storie di quotidianità. Ma Tyler non è un personaggio ben riuscito come Olive. Il suo essere del tutto protagonista in qualche maniera lo rende meno efficace di Olive, che spesso resta in secondo piano pur tenendo insieme tutte le vicende. E qui anche i personaggi secondari non sono resi con altrettanta forza, spesso ondeggiano tra primo e secondo piano senza un chiaro disegno. Il personaggio della piccola Katherine è molto bello, ma la sua evoluzione finale è svolta frettolosamente. Mi rendo conto che una recensione comparativa non è molto utile, ma tant'è: se non avete ancora letto nulla di Strout, saltate questo libro e andate diretti a Olive Kitteridge (e al massimo tornate qui dopo). ( )
  d.v. | May 16, 2023 |
I liked it but not as much as other Strout books I've read. Much of the book meandered a little, then the last two or three chapters seemed forced. ( )
  steve02476 | Jan 3, 2023 |
In her second novel, the author follows a widower minister into the depths of despair in small town Maine. Tyler marries Lauren, a bright and bubbly woman whose wealthy Boston childhood (and molestation by her father) cannot prepare her for the privation of her role in relative poverty as a minister's wife in a tiny rural town. Tyler is spiritually rich and Strout really gets into his mind and into "the feeling", which is when he feels the blessing of his love of God and all humanity. But the death of Lauren and his neglect of their two children are really heartbreaking and bleak, and of course he's got a terrible mother and evil parishioners. But there is a tiny flickering light to salvage the reader. ( )
  froxgirl | Oct 30, 2022 |
A profound meditation on grief and guilt: emotional and moving, though sometimes frustrating and dense, but always enhanced by Strout's lovely yet spare writing. I felt much of the middle section of the book lost focus, and I had a hard time understanding the necessity of some characters (e.g. Bitter Charlie), but I ultimately found the book quite moving and engrossing. I think this is one of the rare books that could be improved by multiple careful readings; there is so much here to take in that I'm afraid much of it just washed over me. ( )
  RandyRasa | May 31, 2022 |
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To the memory of my father,

R. G. Strout
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Oh, it would be years ago now, but at one time a minister lived with his small daughter in a town up north near the Sabbanock River, up where the river is narrow and the winters used to be especially long. The minister's name was Tyler Caskey, and for quite some while his story was told in towns up and down the river, and as far over as the coast, until it emerged with enough variations so as to lose its original punch, and just the passing of time, of course, will affect the vigor of these things.
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:NATIONAL BESTSELLER • From the Pulitzer Prize–winning, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Olive Kitteridge comes a “superb” (O: The Oprah Magazine) novel that “confirms Strout as the possessor of an irresistibly companionable, peculiarly American voice.” (The Atlantic Monthly)
In the late 1950s, in a small New England town, Reverend Tyler Caskey has suffered a terrible loss and finds it hard to be the person he once was. He struggles to find the right words in his sermons and in his conversations with those facing crises of their own, and to bring his five-year-old daughter, Katherine, out of the silence she has observed in the wake of the family’s tragedy. Tyler’s usually patient and kind congregation now questions his leadership and propriety, and accusations are born out of anger and gossip. Then, in Tyler’s darkest hour, a startling discovery will test his parish’s humanity—and his own will to endure the trials that sooner or later test us all.
Praise for Abide With Me
“Strout’s greatly anticipated second novel . . . is an answered prayer.”Vanity Fair
“Deeply moving . . . In one beautiful page after another, Strout captures the mysterious combinations of hope and sorrow. She sees all these wounded people with heartbreaking clarity, but she has managed to write a story that cradles them in understanding and that, somehow, seems like a foretaste of salvation.”The Washington Post
“Graceful and moving . . . The pacing of Strout’s deeply felt fiction about the distance between parents and children gives her work an addictive quality.”People (four stars).

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