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Fodor's Pacific North Coast

door Fodor's

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The best guide to the area, packed with essentialsNatural wonders and unspoiled parks, including coastal drives, Mt. Rainier, Crater Lake, and the Inside PassageSpectacular hikes, seaside golf, and where to whale-watchGreat shops for Inuit art, local wines, and smoked salmonWhere to stay and eat, no matter what your budgetBusiness-friendly big-city hotels, cozy B&Bs, fishing lodges, beachside cottages, and well-equipped campgroundsMicrobreweries, oyster bars, coffeehouses, and the best places for Pacific Rim cuisine--sushi, dim sum, seafood, and moreFresh, thorough, practical--from writers you can trustCosts, hours, descriptions, and tips by the thousandsAll reviews based on visits by savvy writer-residents56 pages of maps--and dozens of unique featuresImportant Contacts A to Z; Smart Travel Tips; Fodor's Choice; What's Where; Pleasures & Pastimes; Festivals; Great Itineraries--winery, garden, and cultural tours; background essays, videos to watch; and more!… (meer)
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The best guide to the area, packed with essentialsNatural wonders and unspoiled parks, including coastal drives, Mt. Rainier, Crater Lake, and the Inside PassageSpectacular hikes, seaside golf, and where to whale-watchGreat shops for Inuit art, local wines, and smoked salmonWhere to stay and eat, no matter what your budgetBusiness-friendly big-city hotels, cozy B&Bs, fishing lodges, beachside cottages, and well-equipped campgroundsMicrobreweries, oyster bars, coffeehouses, and the best places for Pacific Rim cuisine--sushi, dim sum, seafood, and moreFresh, thorough, practical--from writers you can trustCosts, hours, descriptions, and tips by the thousandsAll reviews based on visits by savvy writer-residents56 pages of maps--and dozens of unique featuresImportant Contacts A to Z; Smart Travel Tips; Fodor's Choice; What's Where; Pleasures & Pastimes; Festivals; Great Itineraries--winery, garden, and cultural tours; background essays, videos to watch; and more!

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