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Red River, Vol. 22 (Red River (Graphic…
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Red River, Vol. 22 (Red River (Graphic Novels)) (editie 2008)

door chie Shinohara

Reeksen: Red River (22)

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1121251,783 (3.9)Geen
* A 28-volume manga series - over 15.3 million copies sold in Japan! * Over 100k copies have sold through in the U.S. to date (BookScan). * Volumes 1-9 had over 20 reprints each month. * Winner of the 2001 Shogakukan Manga Award in the Girls Category * Released Bi-monthly (every other month). Prince Kail, a young warrior and sorcerer, and Yuri, a modern-day teen, were thrown together when Queen Nakia drew Yuri across time and space into the ancient Hittite Empire. When it is the season of the North Star, Prince Kail has the power to send Yuri home. But the evil queen's plan to murder them both--and their growing feelings for one another--keep getting in the way!   Yuri's rebel forces in Egypt attack and take Thebes, but this does little to persuade Queen Nefertiti to release Ramses, who remains under threat of execution. Learning that Nerfertiti has taken Ramses to a temple inside her palace, Yuri rushes there to try to save him. In the course of the attempt, she and Nefertiti wind up in an argument that leads to the proud Queen of Egypt learning Yuri's true identity. While all of this is going on, the rebels themselves have kept busy storming the palace. Success seems within their grasp, but their leader Yuri's desire to rescue Ramses does not promise that they will ultimately triumph in their fight for freedom.… (meer)
Titel:Red River, Vol. 22 (Red River (Graphic Novels))
Auteurs:chie Shinohara
Info:VIZ Media LLC (2008), Paperback, 190 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:manga, graphic novel, shoujo, time travel, fantasy, magic, drama, action

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Red River, Vol. 22 door Chie Shinohara

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Welcome to Book 22 where Yuri PWNS EVERYONE EVER.


So let's start with how she incited a rebellion in Egypt that spanned multiple CITIES. That's a great place to start right? THEN because her awesome couldn't stay in Egypt, she found her way BACK to Ugarit--where surprisingly folk don't know her?! Them soldiers better get the tar beat out of them--and snuck up on Kail because that's all that matters in the end.

Look this volume deserved all the love and stars for how much Yuri just was like 'Nefertiti you made ALL the wrong choices, but that's fine because I'm thankful since now I know NEVER to make those choices.' after making Nefertiti remember her holy crap incest! I totally didn't get that before now, damn you Lannisters!more innocent days with the Prince of Darkness (obviously before he was the Prince of Darkness just Prince Matti), her brother.

Oh and they found a way to totally implicate Nakia in horrible horrible treason. Because that's how it works when your series has 6 volumes left. ( )
  lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
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* A 28-volume manga series - over 15.3 million copies sold in Japan! * Over 100k copies have sold through in the U.S. to date (BookScan). * Volumes 1-9 had over 20 reprints each month. * Winner of the 2001 Shogakukan Manga Award in the Girls Category * Released Bi-monthly (every other month). Prince Kail, a young warrior and sorcerer, and Yuri, a modern-day teen, were thrown together when Queen Nakia drew Yuri across time and space into the ancient Hittite Empire. When it is the season of the North Star, Prince Kail has the power to send Yuri home. But the evil queen's plan to murder them both--and their growing feelings for one another--keep getting in the way!   Yuri's rebel forces in Egypt attack and take Thebes, but this does little to persuade Queen Nefertiti to release Ramses, who remains under threat of execution. Learning that Nerfertiti has taken Ramses to a temple inside her palace, Yuri rushes there to try to save him. In the course of the attempt, she and Nefertiti wind up in an argument that leads to the proud Queen of Egypt learning Yuri's true identity. While all of this is going on, the rebels themselves have kept busy storming the palace. Success seems within their grasp, but their leader Yuri's desire to rescue Ramses does not promise that they will ultimately triumph in their fight for freedom.

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4 9
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5 4

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