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De vrouwen van Stepford (1972)

door Ira Levin

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3,127934,500 (3.65)168
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

Ira Levin's dark suburban tale remains as compelling—and frighteningly relevant—as ever. Psychological suspense mixes with elements of science fiction to create an extraordinary thriller tinged with Levin's sly, satirical wit.

Few novels have enshrined themselves in the collective consciousness to the degree The Stepford Wives has. Levin's sardonic critique has been spun off into countless film and television adaptations, from 1975's original Katharine Ross filming to 2004's Nicole Kidman offering—and its influence can be felt in later works from The Handmaid's Tale to Get Out. Its title alone has become part of our common lexicon.

Joanna Eberhart is a creative, self-possessed wife and mother, newly arrived in seemingly idyllic Stepford, Connecticut. But as she and her family begin settling in, she's jarred by the unaccountable sameness of the local wives: all flawlessly attractive, with perfectly maintained homes—and little seeming interest in anything else. As curiosity turns to concern, Joanna finds herself unraveling a web of malice that threatens her very existence.

Prepare to be captivated, unnerved, and utterly engrossed by Ira Levin's dark and unforgettable modern classic, The Stepford Wives.

This edition includes an afterword by Peter Straub.

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Well--it sort of follows the same pattern as [b:Rosemary's Baby|228296|Rosemary's Baby|Ira Levin||883024], but still a fun read for October. I suppose it would have been a bit more powerful when the Disney stuff was still relatively new. Differs more from the film than RB, but then Polanski was apparently very meticulous about that sort of thing. ( )
  spencerrich | Jul 30, 2024 |
Well--it sort of follows the same pattern as [b:Rosemary's Baby|228296|Rosemary's Baby|Ira Levin||883024], but still a fun read for October. I suppose it would have been a bit more powerful when the Disney stuff was still relatively new. Differs more from the film than RB, but then Polanski was apparently very meticulous about that sort of thing. ( )
  spencerrich | Jul 30, 2024 |
I have to admit that Ira Levin was quite a discovery for me. It seems he is a prolific writer very like Philip K Dick but without that LSD-ish touch od PKD's novels.

Story starts with comments from very active and emancipated woman Joanne on her new neighborhood - together with husband and kids she arrives into suburban Stepford and starts looking around the neighborhood. First thing she notices is that women of Stepford dont have any social gatherings and generally have their lives centered around their husbands and house works - willingly and entirely! Everything looks like a throwback to some earlier times and Joanne is puzzled because it looks like gender equality and women rights movements somehow never gained traction in Stepford.

What starts as a rather simple detective story quickly spirals into that most horrifying of horror stories - one of complete lost of identity, oneself in its entirety without any way to prevent it. The very way story culminates ... it is superb storytelling. Reader is left in the dark about what exactly goes on and is left guessing. And this is additional strength of the novel, something needs to be left to imagination, right? And nothing creates dark assumptions as wandering mind.

Highly recommended to all fans of good thriller. ( )
1 stem Zare | Jan 23, 2024 |
At the outset, it's obvious that Levin is just recycling the ideas he had from Rosemary's Baby. The constant gaslighting. The usage of a hero vs a dystopian patriarchy. And the genre elements that are supposed to elevate the material.

The problem is that unlike the previous book, this one isn't compelling as a drama (or even a satire). There's no investigation of a mystery until far too late. The humor is bad. The suspense doesn't exist until nearly the end. And the downer ending leaves you with more intellectual questions and emotional ennui.

It could've been something: an examination of first wave feminism, modern approaches to gaslighting, and the stifling oppression of suburbia. Instead it is a massive miss, full of potential.

Avoid. ( )
  JuntaKinte1968 | Dec 6, 2023 |
Good, short classic read. ( )
  everettroberts | Oct 20, 2023 |
1-5 van 93 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (29 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Levin, Iraprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Bacon, PaulOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Brom, Laurie LeeIllustratorSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Holt, Heleen tenVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Straub, PeterIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Velsen, A. vanVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Waberer, Keto vonVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Today the combat takes a different shape; instead of wishing to put man in prison, woman endeavors to escape from one; she no longer seeks to drag him into the realms of immanence but to emerge, herself, into the light of transcendence. Now the attitude of the males creates a new conflict: it is with a bad grace that the man lets her go.

—Simone de Beauvoir
The Second Sex
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To Ellie and Joe Busman
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The Welcome Wagon lady, sixty if she was a day but working at youth and vivacity (ginger hair, red lips, a sunshine-yellow dress), twinkled her eyes and teeth at Joanna and said, "You're really going to like it here! It's a nice town with nice people! You couldn't have made a better choice!"
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Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

Ira Levin's dark suburban tale remains as compelling—and frighteningly relevant—as ever. Psychological suspense mixes with elements of science fiction to create an extraordinary thriller tinged with Levin's sly, satirical wit.

Few novels have enshrined themselves in the collective consciousness to the degree The Stepford Wives has. Levin's sardonic critique has been spun off into countless film and television adaptations, from 1975's original Katharine Ross filming to 2004's Nicole Kidman offering—and its influence can be felt in later works from The Handmaid's Tale to Get Out. Its title alone has become part of our common lexicon.

Joanna Eberhart is a creative, self-possessed wife and mother, newly arrived in seemingly idyllic Stepford, Connecticut. But as she and her family begin settling in, she's jarred by the unaccountable sameness of the local wives: all flawlessly attractive, with perfectly maintained homes—and little seeming interest in anything else. As curiosity turns to concern, Joanna finds herself unraveling a web of malice that threatens her very existence.

Prepare to be captivated, unnerved, and utterly engrossed by Ira Levin's dark and unforgettable modern classic, The Stepford Wives.

This edition includes an afterword by Peter Straub.


Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Joanna en Walter Eberhart, een jong echtpaar, kunnen zich eindelijk veroorloven naar het welvarende forensenstadje Stepford te verkassen. Al gauw raken ze bij het wel en wee van de bewoners betrokken, maken ze nieuwe vrienden en voelen ze zich er thuis en gelukkig. Het valt Joanna wel op dat alle vrouwen in Stepford keurig kloppende en vegende huisvrouwen zijn, van het type dat ze tot dan toe alleen uit reclamespotjes kende. De mannen daarentegen hebben een eigen, niet voor vrouwen toegankelijk clubhuis. Joanna is vastbesloten hieraan iets te doen. Tot ze een aantal vreemde ontdekkingen doet, die haar langzaam maar zeker met afschuw vervullen.
Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (3.65)
1 8
1.5 5
2 65
2.5 11
3 221
3.5 66
4 312
4.5 17
5 133

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