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Einstein: The Life and Times (Bloomsbury…
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Einstein: The Life and Times (Bloomsbury Reader) (origineel 1971; editie 2011)

door Ronald Clark (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
1,152618,038 (3.39)7
Ronald W. Clark's acclaimed biography of Einstein, the Promethean figure of our age, goes behind the phenomenal intellect to reveal the human side of the legendary absent-minded professor who confidently claimed that space and time were not what they seemed. Here is the classic portrait of the scientist and the man: the boy growing up in the Swiss Alps, the young man caught in an unhappy first marriage, the passionate pacifist who agonized over making the Bomb, the indifferent Zionist asked to head the Israeli state, and the physicist who believed in God.… (meer)
Titel:Einstein: The Life and Times (Bloomsbury Reader)
Auteurs:Ronald Clark (Auteur)
Info:Bloomsbury Reader (2011), Edition: 1, 700 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Einstein: The Life and Times door Ronald W. Clark (1971)

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  j.guichelaar4 | Mar 11, 2012 |
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
"I have little patience with scientists who take a board of wood, look for its thinnest part, and drill a great number of holes where drilling is easy."
Albert Einsten (quoted by Philipp Frank in "Einstein's Philosophy of Science,"
Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 21, No. 3, July 1949)
Eerste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
The story of Albert Einstein, scientist, philosopher, and contemporary conscience, with all its impact and influence, would fit better within the walls of a library than between the covers of a single book.
The ife of Albert Einstein has a dramatic quality that does not rest exclusively on his theory of relativity.
Laatste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
(Klik om weer te geven. Waarschuwing: kan de inhoud verklappen.)
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Duitse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
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Canonieke LCC
Ronald W. Clark's acclaimed biography of Einstein, the Promethean figure of our age, goes behind the phenomenal intellect to reveal the human side of the legendary absent-minded professor who confidently claimed that space and time were not what they seemed. Here is the classic portrait of the scientist and the man: the boy growing up in the Swiss Alps, the young man caught in an unhappy first marriage, the passionate pacifist who agonized over making the Bomb, the indifferent Zionist asked to head the Israeli state, and the physicist who believed in God.

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Gemiddelde: (3.39)
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2.5 1
3 20
3.5 12
4 14
4.5 2
5 6

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