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A Partisan's Daughter door Louis De…
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A Partisan's Daughter (origineel 2008; editie 2008)

door Louis De Bernieres

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5613244,556 (3.2)14
The new novel from the acclaimed author of Birds Without Wings and Captain Corelli's Mandolin is a love story at once raw and sweetly funny, wry and heartbreakingly sad. Chris is bored, lonely, trapped in a loveless, sexless marriage. In his forties, he's a stranger to the 1970s youth culture of London, a stranger to himself on the night he invites a hooker into his car. Roza is Yugoslavian, recently moved to London, the daughter of one of Tito's partisans. She's in her twenties, but has already lived a life filled with danger, misadventure, romance, and tragedy. And though she's not a hooker, when she's propositioned by Chris, she gets into his car anyway. Over the next few months Roza tells Chris the stories of her past. She's a fast-talking Scheherazade, saving her own life by telling it to Chris. And he takes in her tales as if they were oxygen in an otherwise airless world. But is Roza telling the truth? Does Chris hear the stories through the filter of his own need? Does it even matter? This deeply moving novel of their unlikely love - narrated in the moment and through recollection, each of their voices deftly realised - is also a brilliantly subtle commentary on storytelling: its seductions and powers, and its ultimately unavoidable dangers.… (meer)
Titel:A Partisan's Daughter
Auteurs:Louis De Bernieres
Info:Knopf (2008), Edition: 1, Hardcover, 208 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Een partizanendochter roman door Louis de Bernières (2008)

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1-5 van 32 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This is a story of two ordinary lives, that are, of course, extraordinary. Chris is a bored travelling salesman, living with a wife he no longer loves. Roza is Serbian who's found herself living in London. These two meet, and over the course of time, Roza tells Chris her story. Or does she? How much is fact? How much is a product of her imagination? Is she really someone who's slept with her best friend, her father, dropped out of university, lived as a prostitute? We become as fascinated by her as Chris is. This is a story of missed opportunities, of lives turning out differently because of decisions made, or not made, and the ending leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

This is a story about story-telling. ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
This was a delightful little book. A more up-to-date 1001 nights, the story focuses on the relationship between a middle aged man, Chris, and the object of his affection, the extremely unreliable storyteller Roza.
Chris is out of love with his boring wife, whom he calls the great white loaf. He feels so distant he finally screws up his courage to approach a prostitute. This is Roza. She immediately denies being a prostitute and then agrees she is, spinning Chris this way and that and entrancing him all the more.
In between their storytelling evenings, held in a decrepit squat, life goes on. Cultural and historical dates and images pop up every chapter, telling the passage of time. Even the old London man walking with the “passion proteins” sign makes an appearance (to my delight, as I used to see him all the time around the place).
Roza teases Chris, wielding her sexual power until he can think of nothing else. The tension rises until the inevitable crisis.
The book is written in the voices of Roza and Chris, in present time and in the past and it is at times hard to orient oneself. But it’s such a delightful read, you just can’t put it down! ( )
  Dabble58 | Nov 11, 2023 |
I wonder if we are supposed to think that the stories she tells are ok, somehow, because we know that she lies in part. A strange and troubling love story. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
I'm so fond of right words. Good things I feel on the outside make me more pleasant inside, and it radiates everything I do. Therefore, when I encounter a good book, I read it several times, so that it will stick to me.
And when that doesn't happen? So I stay only myself, the usual, and the words I say and write even if they sound good, actually have no real intention.

Such is my recommendation today.

The three previous books by Louis de Bernier, "Captain Corelli's Mandolin," "Birds Without Wings," "Don Emmanuel's Lower Territories War," take up a place of honor in my library, and so I quickly snatched up this book by de Bernier.

so here are my kind words about this book: It is recommended to read his previous books with great pleasure. ( )
  mazalbracha | Jan 12, 2019 |
Started slowly, and the shifting narrative takes time to get used to, but turned out to be a rather touching love story in the end, albeit unconventional. ( )
  Soulmuser | May 30, 2017 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (2 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Louis de Bernièresprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Rawle, JeffVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Thomas, SianVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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The new novel from the acclaimed author of Birds Without Wings and Captain Corelli's Mandolin is a love story at once raw and sweetly funny, wry and heartbreakingly sad. Chris is bored, lonely, trapped in a loveless, sexless marriage. In his forties, he's a stranger to the 1970s youth culture of London, a stranger to himself on the night he invites a hooker into his car. Roza is Yugoslavian, recently moved to London, the daughter of one of Tito's partisans. She's in her twenties, but has already lived a life filled with danger, misadventure, romance, and tragedy. And though she's not a hooker, when she's propositioned by Chris, she gets into his car anyway. Over the next few months Roza tells Chris the stories of her past. She's a fast-talking Scheherazade, saving her own life by telling it to Chris. And he takes in her tales as if they were oxygen in an otherwise airless world. But is Roza telling the truth? Does Chris hear the stories through the filter of his own need? Does it even matter? This deeply moving novel of their unlikely love - narrated in the moment and through recollection, each of their voices deftly realised - is also a brilliantly subtle commentary on storytelling: its seductions and powers, and its ultimately unavoidable dangers.

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Gemiddelde: (3.2)
1 6
2 12
2.5 12
3 59
3.5 14
4 39
4.5 3
5 5

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