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Mushrooms of Northeast North America:…
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Mushrooms of Northeast North America: Midwest to New England (copy #3) (origineel 1999; editie 2016)

door George Barron (Auteur)

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902306,979 (3.94)Geen
A full-color photographic field guide to mushrooms and fungi of the northern United States, from the Midwest to New England. Featured in USA Today, this must-have reference has spectacular photos and excellent species information.
Titel:Mushrooms of Northeast North America: Midwest to New England (copy #3)
Auteurs:George Barron (Auteur)
Info:Partners Publishing (2016), Edition: 2, 336 pages
Trefwoorden:BinNew, FieldGuide

Informatie over het werk

Mushrooms of Northeast North America: Midwest to New England door George Barron (1999)

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This is the first book I grab when trying to ID a shroom. It's organized in a way that follows visual cues which is what we take first out of the field and what I have when I get back; photos. While mine are usually better, the shots in this book are quite good. There's also excellent info about where a mushroom is found and on what it fruits - very helpful to sort out an ID because some mushrooms only fruit on dead wood or the ground etc. Species are listed under their scientific names, but common names are given when they have them. ( )
  Bookmarque | Sep 7, 2016 |
This is a well done guide. Most of the photographs are accurate and clear, if not artistic. I think with few exceptions that most of the mushrooms you will run across in northeastern North America are represented. You will need to seek other mycology sources for detailed natural history for species. ( )
  CNDeCurtis | Apr 4, 2009 |
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A full-color photographic field guide to mushrooms and fungi of the northern United States, from the Midwest to New England. Featured in USA Today, this must-have reference has spectacular photos and excellent species information.

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
3 1
4 6
4.5 1

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