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Don't Be That Girl: A Guide to Finding…
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Don't Be That Girl: A Guide to Finding the Confident, Rational Girl Within (editie 2008)

door Travis L. Stork, Leah Furman (Collaborator)

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Young goodlooking ER medic Travis Stork MD was a hit on the US reality TV dating show, 'The Bachelor'. As a doctor he has found himself listening to countless stories about relationships, hearing tales of low self-esteem and desperate behaviour. He has now combined his personal and professional expertise to provide a fresh new take on male/female dynamics. In Don't Be That Girl, Travis identifies 8 types of women who tend to make the same mistakes again and again, and he offers constructive, upbeat advice on how to avoid being 'That Girl'. He cleverly and wittily takes us through all the archetypes: Agenda Girl, Drama Queen Girl, Bitter Girl, Desperate Girl, Yes Girl, Insecure Girl, Lost Girl and Working Girl, while encouraging women to defeat their insecurities and learn to feel confident just being themselves. Travis Stork exudes down-to-earth charm and has an irresistible style of writing that entertains as well as enlightens and is never patronising. He is a passionate advocate of healthy relationships and wants women to stop falling victim to self-defeating behaviour and find their own fairy-tale ending.… (meer)
Titel:Don't Be That Girl: A Guide to Finding the Confident, Rational Girl Within
Auteurs:Travis L. Stork
Andere auteurs:Leah Furman (Collaborator)
Info:Simon Spotlight Entertainment (2008), Hardcover, 192 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Don't Be That Girl: A Guide to Finding the Confident, Rational Girl Within door Travis L. Stork

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Young goodlooking ER medic Travis Stork MD was a hit on the US reality TV dating show, 'The Bachelor'. As a doctor he has found himself listening to countless stories about relationships, hearing tales of low self-esteem and desperate behaviour. He has now combined his personal and professional expertise to provide a fresh new take on male/female dynamics. In Don't Be That Girl, Travis identifies 8 types of women who tend to make the same mistakes again and again, and he offers constructive, upbeat advice on how to avoid being 'That Girl'. He cleverly and wittily takes us through all the archetypes: Agenda Girl, Drama Queen Girl, Bitter Girl, Desperate Girl, Yes Girl, Insecure Girl, Lost Girl and Working Girl, while encouraging women to defeat their insecurities and learn to feel confident just being themselves. Travis Stork exudes down-to-earth charm and has an irresistible style of writing that entertains as well as enlightens and is never patronising. He is a passionate advocate of healthy relationships and wants women to stop falling victim to self-defeating behaviour and find their own fairy-tale ending.

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