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Transformation Theology: Church in the World

door Oliver Davies, Paul D. Janz, Clemens Sedmak

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This book is the fruit of a close collaboration between three leading scholars with a background in systematics, philosophical theology and ethics. It sets out a new account of how incarnation is mediated in the world of space and time, leading to a new orientation of theology within the world. The doctrinal ("from above") and philosophical ("from below") sections lead to a new exposition of Christian life in confrontation with deepseated problems of ethics and justice. The three pieces closely interweave with each other in the elaboration of a new kind of practical, doctrinal theology of full philosophical integrity.… (meer)
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Oliver Daviesprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Janz, Paul D.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Sedmak, Clemensprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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This book is the fruit of a close collaboration between three leading scholars with a background in systematics, philosophical theology and ethics. It sets out a new account of how incarnation is mediated in the world of space and time, leading to a new orientation of theology within the world. The doctrinal ("from above") and philosophical ("from below") sections lead to a new exposition of Christian life in confrontation with deepseated problems of ethics and justice. The three pieces closely interweave with each other in the elaboration of a new kind of practical, doctrinal theology of full philosophical integrity.

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