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Jarka Ruus (High Druid of Shannara, Book 1)…
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Jarka Ruus (High Druid of Shannara, Book 1) (origineel 2003; editie 2003)

door Terry Brooks

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
2,224157,417 (3.72)4
Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Expect no end of wonders and suspense, no shortage of adventure and enchantment, as Terry Brooks begins the next extraordinary quest in the magical world of Shannara. . . .

/> Twenty years have passed since Grianne Ohmsford denounced her former life as the dreaded Ilse Witch. Fulfilling the destiny predicted for her, she has established the Third Druid Council and dedicated herself to its goals of peace, harmony among the races, and defense of the Four Lands. But despite her devotion to the greater good as Ard Rhys, the High Druid of Paranor, Grianne still has bitter enemies. Even her few allies—chief among them her trusted servant Tagwen—know of the plots against her. But they could never anticipate the sudden, ominous disappearance of the Ard Rhys, in the dead of night and without a trace. Now Tagwen joins Grianne’s brave young nephew, Pen Ohmsford, and the wise, powerful elf Ahren Elessedil on a desperate and dangerous mission of search and rescue—to deliver the High Druid of Shannara from an unspeakable fate.
BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Terry Brooks's The Measure of the Magic.
“Terry Brooks is off on another Shannara adventure . . . and the ride, as always, is pleasurable.”—Contra Costa Times
“A sure winner . . . Brooks proves himselfa master at reworking and enriching theconventions of fantasy.”—Booklist.… (meer)
Titel:Jarka Ruus (High Druid of Shannara, Book 1)
Auteurs:Terry Brooks
Info:Del Rey (2003), Hardcover, 416 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen
Trefwoorden:In progress

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Jarka Ruus door Terry Brooks (2003)

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1-5 van 14 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Jarka Ruus, the first book in the High Druid of Shannara trilogy, beckons readers back to the mystical world Terry Brooks has so masterfully crafted. As a lifelong fan who cut my teeth on Brooks’ tales in the '70s, I can assure you: this novel doesn’t disappoint. 🌟

Twenty years have slipped by since Grianne Ohmsford shed her mantle as the dreaded Ilse Witch. Now, as Ard Rhys—the High Druid of Paranor—she strives for peace, harmony among races, and the defense of the Four Lands. But shadows loom. Bitter enemies plot against her, and even her trusted servant Tagwen senses danger. When the Ard Rhys vanishes without a trace, it’s up to Pen Ohmsford, her brave young nephew, and the wise elf Ahren Elessedil to embark on a perilous mission of search and rescue. The stakes are high, the magic palpable, and the adventure—oh, it’s pure Shannara. ( )
  mlheintz | Jul 2, 2024 |
Jarka Ruus, the first book in the High Druid of Shannara trilogy, beckons readers back to the mystical world Terry Brooks has so masterfully crafted. As a lifelong fan who cut my teeth on Brooks’ tales in the '70s, I can assure you: this novel doesn’t disappoint. 🌟

Twenty years have slipped by since Grianne Ohmsford shed her mantle as the dreaded Ilse Witch. Now, as Ard Rhys—the High Druid of Paranor—she strives for peace, harmony among races, and the defense of the Four Lands. But shadows loom. Bitter enemies plot against her, and even her trusted servant Tagwen senses danger. When the Ard Rhys vanishes without a trace, it’s up to Pen Ohmsford, her brave young nephew, and the wise elf Ahren Elessedil to embark on a perilous mission of search and rescue. The stakes are high, the magic palpable, and the adventure—oh, it’s pure Shannara. ( )
  mlheintz | Jul 2, 2024 |
Jarka Ruus, the first book in the High Druid of Shannara trilogy, beckons readers back to the mystical world Terry Brooks has so masterfully crafted. As a lifelong fan who cut my teeth on Brooks’ tales in the '70s, I can assure you: this novel doesn’t disappoint.

Twenty years have slipped by since Grianne Ohmsford shed her mantle as the dreaded Ilse Witch. Now, as Ard Rhys—the High Druid of Paranor—she strives for peace, harmony among races, and the defense of the Four Lands. But shadows loom. Bitter enemies plot against her, and even her trusted servant Tagwen senses danger. When the Ard Rhys vanishes without a trace, it’s up to Pen Ohmsford, her brave young nephew, and the wise elf Ahren Elessedil to embark on a perilous mission of search and rescue. The stakes are high, the magic palpable, and the adventure—oh, it’s pure Shannara. ( )
  mlheintz | Jul 2, 2024 |
20 jaar nadat Grianne Ohmsford afstand deed van haar leven als de gevreesde Ilse Heks, ze bevrijd werd door de magie van het Zwaard van Shannara en de vernietiging van haar mentor, de Morgawr. verdwijnt ze plotseling en, wordt haar dienaar Tagwen gedwongen de handschoen op te nemen en haar uit de handen van haar vijanden te redden, samen met Griannes jonge neef Pen Ohmsford en de machtige elf Ahren Elessedil. ( )
  EdwinKort | Oct 18, 2019 |
Yet another Shannara book. Enemies seem to be hard to find, and so he reaches into the Forbidden and finds some evil mastermind to cause everyone problems. Not nearly as good as the Jerle Shannara trilogy. I didn’t care about the characters. ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
1-5 van 14 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fantasy. Fiction. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Expect no end of wonders and suspense, no shortage of adventure and enchantment, as Terry Brooks begins the next extraordinary quest in the magical world of Shannara. . . .

Twenty years have passed since Grianne Ohmsford denounced her former life as the dreaded Ilse Witch. Fulfilling the destiny predicted for her, she has established the Third Druid Council and dedicated herself to its goals of peace, harmony among the races, and defense of the Four Lands. But despite her devotion to the greater good as Ard Rhys, the High Druid of Paranor, Grianne still has bitter enemies. Even her few allies—chief among them her trusted servant Tagwen—know of the plots against her. But they could never anticipate the sudden, ominous disappearance of the Ard Rhys, in the dead of night and without a trace. Now Tagwen joins Grianne’s brave young nephew, Pen Ohmsford, and the wise, powerful elf Ahren Elessedil on a desperate and dangerous mission of search and rescue—to deliver the High Druid of Shannara from an unspeakable fate.
BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Terry Brooks's The Measure of the Magic.
“Terry Brooks is off on another Shannara adventure . . . and the ride, as always, is pleasurable.”—Contra Costa Times
“A sure winner . . . Brooks proves himselfa master at reworking and enriching theconventions of fantasy.”—Booklist.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Twintig jaar zijn verstreken sinds Grianne Ohmsford afstand deed van haar leven als de gevreesde Ilse Heks en bevrijd werd door de magie van het Zwaard van Shannara en sinds de vernietiging van haar mentor, de Morgawr.

In de jaren daarna heeft ze zich als hoge druïde gewijd aan de vrede tussen de rassen en de verdediging van de Vier Landen. Maar ondanks haar bekering heeft Grianne nog immer vijanden die streven naar haar ondergang en daarmee die van het rijk.

Als Grianne plotseling verdwijnt wordt haar jonge dienaar Tagwen gedwongen de handschoen op te nemen en haar uit handen van haar vijanden te redden, samen met Griannes jonge neef Pen Ohmsford en de machtige elf Ahren Elessedil.

En dat terwijl de duistere machten zich wederom opmaken om de Vier Landen aan te vallen...
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Gemiddelde: (3.72)
0.5 2
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2.5 4
3 73
3.5 13
4 111
4.5 7
5 61

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