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The Light at the End door John Skipp
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The Light at the End (editie 2017)

door John Skipp (Auteur), Craig Spector (Auteur)

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3061389,001 (3.76)7
An adrenaline-charged tale of unrelenting suspense that sparks with raw and savage energy... The newspapers scream out headlines that spark terror across the city. Ten murders on the New York City subway. Ten grisly crimes that defy all reason -- no pattern, no m.o., no leads for police to pursue. The press dubs the fiend the "Subway Psycho"; the NYPD desperately seeks their quarry before the city erupts in mass hysteria. But they won't find what they're looking for.Because they all think that the killer is human.Only a few know the true story -- a story the papers will never print. It is a tale of abject terror and death written in grit and steel... and blood. The tale of a man who vanished into the bowels of the urban earth one night, taken by a creature of unholy evil, then left as a babe abandoned on the doorstep of Hell. Now he is back, driven by twin demons of rage and retribution.He is unstoppable. And we are all his prey... unless a ragtag band of misfit souls will dare to descend into a world of manmade darkness, where the real and unreal alike dwell in endless shadow. A place where humanity has been left behind, and the horrifying truth will dawn as a madman's chilling vendetta comes to light...Filled with gripping drama and harrowing doomsday dread, The Light at the End is the book that ushered in a bold new view of humankind's most ancient and ruthless evil; a mesmerizing novel from two acknowledged masters of spellbinding suspense.… (meer)
Titel:The Light at the End
Auteurs:John Skipp (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Craig Spector (Auteur)
Info:Macabre Ink (2017), 376 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Light at the End door John Skipp

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1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Here’s a bunch of characters. Here’s a dozen more. And a dozen more. And another one, another one, another, another, another…

So it goes, for chapter after chapter, with new characters constantly being introduced at such a rapid pace that you quickly lose track of who’s who, and thus get no chance at developing any empathy towards any of them.

Additionally, the promise of so-called “splatterpunk” leaves gorehounds wanting. Simply put: there is barely any splatter what so ever! There are some quick glimpses of blood, sure. But it is all over too quickly without much attention to detail. I cannot believe this was somehow “shocking” to 80s readers, as any mention of guts and gore is so mild and innocent that it would barely qualify for a PG-13 rating. ( )
  TBlok | Sep 18, 2024 |
Considered the first splatterpunk novel, The Light At The End was published in 1986 and it shows it. The story was OK. The writing was alright. Overall, it felt dated and not especially gory. If you grew up in NY in the late 80's/early 90's you may get a kick out of it just for the nostalgia. ( )
  LynnMPK | Jul 1, 2023 |
This book lost me merely pages in comparing an incessant pager to the nagging of "the world's tiniest Jewish mother". Bad writing, bigoted crap. ( )
  aeceyton | Feb 26, 2023 |
Nació de un poder maligno tan viejo como increíble. Fue abandonado a la puerta del Infierno, y tuvo que descubrir por sí mismo los infinitos y terribles caminos de la oscuridad: un bebé monstruoso perdido en el bosque que alcanzó rápidamente la madurez. Puede ver tus sueños. Puede entrar en tu mente. Puede absorber tu espíritu y seducirte con sus ojos relucientes, y puede llevarte con él a un viaje que termina en un lugar mucho peor que la muerte, donde la lujuria y el hambre jamás consiguen satisfacerse...
  Natt90 | Feb 17, 2023 |
This was a really good book. I didn't realize it until I was into it for a bit that I had read this book years ago but I didn't remember alot of the storyline. The story is about people getting murdered on subway trains and in the subway tunnels by something other than a human. Not giving away spoilers here about what kind of creature it is as you will just have to read the book. Giving it 4 stars. ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (8 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
John Skippprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Spector, Craigprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Williamson, ChetVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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An adrenaline-charged tale of unrelenting suspense that sparks with raw and savage energy... The newspapers scream out headlines that spark terror across the city. Ten murders on the New York City subway. Ten grisly crimes that defy all reason -- no pattern, no m.o., no leads for police to pursue. The press dubs the fiend the "Subway Psycho"; the NYPD desperately seeks their quarry before the city erupts in mass hysteria. But they won't find what they're looking for.Because they all think that the killer is human.Only a few know the true story -- a story the papers will never print. It is a tale of abject terror and death written in grit and steel... and blood. The tale of a man who vanished into the bowels of the urban earth one night, taken by a creature of unholy evil, then left as a babe abandoned on the doorstep of Hell. Now he is back, driven by twin demons of rage and retribution.He is unstoppable. And we are all his prey... unless a ragtag band of misfit souls will dare to descend into a world of manmade darkness, where the real and unreal alike dwell in endless shadow. A place where humanity has been left behind, and the horrifying truth will dawn as a madman's chilling vendetta comes to light...Filled with gripping drama and harrowing doomsday dread, The Light at the End is the book that ushered in a bold new view of humankind's most ancient and ruthless evil; a mesmerizing novel from two acknowledged masters of spellbinding suspense.

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Gemiddelde: (3.76)
1 3
2 8
3 8
3.5 7
4 27
4.5 2
5 18

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