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Horror 101: The A-List of Horror Films and Monster Movies

door Aaron Christensen

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16Geen1,340,329 (3.8)1
The A-List of Horror Films and Monster Movies 320 pages * with 122 photos from * 110 films covered in * 101 essays by * 78 horror fans from * 12 different countries Bringing a refreshingly egalitarian approach to the subject, Horror 101 collects musings on our favorite chillers not by the expected assortment of critics and filmmakers, but the audience... the fans themselves. Young and old, male and female, located all over the globe. From Alien through The Wicker Man, each entry brings a breath of fresh air to the consideration of seminal movies many of us thought had been analyzed to death. As editor Aaron Christensen puts it, "Keep America strong Watch more monster movies -- Joe Dante, director, The Howling, Piranha, Gremlins These are not just fanboys that like their gore and monsters; rather they are passionate folks who give great insight to all things horror and the macabre. --Tiffany Shepis, scream queen, Tromeo & Juliet, The Hazing, Nightmare Man I LOVE this book -- Elaine Lamkin, ...a book of enthusiasm. It reminds us why we love horror movies... -- Michael W. Mayo, author, VideoHound's Horror Show Horror 101 is the primer every sci-fi and horror student needs for a compelling and intellectual glimpse into the classroom of genre movies. After digesting this, you will never again get an "F" -- unless it stands for "Film-lover." -- John Stanley, author, Creature Features and I Was a TV Horror Hos… (meer)
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The A-List of Horror Films and Monster Movies 320 pages * with 122 photos from * 110 films covered in * 101 essays by * 78 horror fans from * 12 different countries Bringing a refreshingly egalitarian approach to the subject, Horror 101 collects musings on our favorite chillers not by the expected assortment of critics and filmmakers, but the audience... the fans themselves. Young and old, male and female, located all over the globe. From Alien through The Wicker Man, each entry brings a breath of fresh air to the consideration of seminal movies many of us thought had been analyzed to death. As editor Aaron Christensen puts it, "Keep America strong Watch more monster movies -- Joe Dante, director, The Howling, Piranha, Gremlins These are not just fanboys that like their gore and monsters; rather they are passionate folks who give great insight to all things horror and the macabre. --Tiffany Shepis, scream queen, Tromeo & Juliet, The Hazing, Nightmare Man I LOVE this book -- Elaine Lamkin, ...a book of enthusiasm. It reminds us why we love horror movies... -- Michael W. Mayo, author, VideoHound's Horror Show Horror 101 is the primer every sci-fi and horror student needs for a compelling and intellectual glimpse into the classroom of genre movies. After digesting this, you will never again get an "F" -- unless it stands for "Film-lover." -- John Stanley, author, Creature Features and I Was a TV Horror Hos

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