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Forecast: Disaster - The Future of El Nino

door Henry F. Porter

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In California, sea lions wash up on shore starving and malnourished because the unusually rough seas have chased the fish away. Off the coast of Canada, fish float dead on top of an ocean where the temperature is dangerously warm. In Rio de Janeiro, torrential rains turn carnival streets into raging rivers. Mudslides, ice storms, relentless rain, endless flooding, forest fires and more are killing thousands of people, destroying millions of dollars in property and upsetting ecosystems all around the world. The alleged culprit is the mysterious and unpredictable El Ni±o, a climactic phenomenon that seems to defy explanation or definition. Forecast Disaster: The Future of El Ni±o offers the first comprehensive look at this bizarre catalyst for extreme weather, the turmoil it has unleashed on the world, the myths that surround it and the facts that comprise it. In a style reminiscent of The Hot Zone and The Perfect Storm, Henry F. Porter takes you into the mind of Mother Nature's great mystery and into the minds of the scientists struggling to understand this seemingly inexplicable event.… (meer)
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In California, sea lions wash up on shore starving and malnourished because the unusually rough seas have chased the fish away. Off the coast of Canada, fish float dead on top of an ocean where the temperature is dangerously warm. In Rio de Janeiro, torrential rains turn carnival streets into raging rivers. Mudslides, ice storms, relentless rain, endless flooding, forest fires and more are killing thousands of people, destroying millions of dollars in property and upsetting ecosystems all around the world. The alleged culprit is the mysterious and unpredictable El Ni±o, a climactic phenomenon that seems to defy explanation or definition. Forecast Disaster: The Future of El Ni±o offers the first comprehensive look at this bizarre catalyst for extreme weather, the turmoil it has unleashed on the world, the myths that surround it and the facts that comprise it. In a style reminiscent of The Hot Zone and The Perfect Storm, Henry F. Porter takes you into the mind of Mother Nature's great mystery and into the minds of the scientists struggling to understand this seemingly inexplicable event.

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