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What Moms Can't Do door Douglas Wood
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What Moms Can't Do (editie 2001)

door Douglas Wood (Auteur)

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1,0151621,253 (3.7)2
A child ponders the many problems that mothers must deal with in the course of a normal day.
Titel:What Moms Can't Do
Auteurs:Douglas Wood (Auteur)
Info:Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (2001), Edition: 1st, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen

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What Moms Can't Do door Douglas Wood

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A story about Mothers.
  B-Chad | Jul 4, 2023 |
This story can be used to make real-life connections to text. ( )
  kennedywilliams | Jul 20, 2021 |
Cute enough. I think that I would have enjoyed it more with other illustrations - but then, I guess I'm glad they were dinosaurs, not overdone dogs or chickens or whatever. Reminds me an awful lot of the [b:Just a Little Critter Collection|386212|Just a Little Critter Collection|Mercer Mayer||375894] books, which are even better (imo) and more affordable.

ETA: I've now read the companion book about dads, and I've realized what bothers me the most is that the Mom was doing almost entirely dutiful things with the child. Grocery shopping, gardening, making beds, etc. The dad gets to play ball, go camping, eat cake and ice cream, etc. That makes the Dad book a bit more of joy to read. But neither is special enough to rate higher than 3*s. ( )
  Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Jun 6, 2016 |
Summary: This book is told from a child's point of view and he is saying all the things that his mommy can't do but the illustrations show a different picture. The child thinks that because he is not getting what he want's in is lunch that his mommy can't pack a lunch right. Then there are things like playing games and sports that the child thinks his mommy can't do but the pictures show a different story.

Personal Reaction: I liked this book mainly because I am a single mom at the moment while my husband is deployed and there are many things like mowing the lawn or changing the light bulb that is too tall for me to reach that my children think I can not do. I love to be able to show them that a girl can do anything a boy can do even if it has to be done a different way or takes a little longer.

Classroom Extensions: I would have the boys do things like learn to sew or sweep and mop the floor and have the girls do things like air up a flat tire or dig a big whole in the ground. Teaching them that gender roles are out of date and that boys and girls can do the exact same things just in different ways.

This would be my favorite thing to show my children. As a woman I am expected that I can not change the oil in my car or change a flat tire. I would love to take my kids out to my own car and show them that me as a woman can do exactly that. I would be able to go through each step with them teaching them at the same time.
  chesireelynn | Oct 27, 2013 |
A young dinosaur lists the many things that "moms can't do" in this amusing picture-book from Douglas Wood and Doug Cushman, which pairs a fairly straightforward text, highlighting the many ways that mom "falls short," with illustrations that depict a slightly different reality. Moms "need a little advice when they're packing lunches," our narrator informs us, while the artwork shows Mom packing a wholesome meal, while her son holds out every sugary snack he can find, hoping to have it included. Moms "can't make a basket on their own," we learn, while looking at an image of Mom lifting her son high, to allows him to make a basket. In the end, however, Moms can to one very important thing, we are told: they can love us!

This sweet picture-book was chosen as one of our May selections, over in The Picture-Book Club to which I belong, where our theme this month is "mothers," and it certainly fits the bill! I appreciated the humor, which arises from the contrast between words and image, and think that the use of dinosaurs - always a popular theme with the picture-book crowd - was a smart move, on Cushman's part. All in all, an engaging book, one I would recommend to young children who enjoy humorous stories. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Apr 7, 2013 |
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Douglas Woodprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Cushman, DougIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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A child ponders the many problems that mothers must deal with in the course of a normal day.

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Gemiddelde: (3.7)
1 1
2.5 1
3 6
3.5 1
4 8
4.5 1
5 4

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