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I Wonder Why Lemons Taste Sour: and Other…
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I Wonder Why Lemons Taste Sour: and Other Questions About the Senses (editie 2008)

door Deborah Chancellor (Auteur)

Reeksen: I Wonder Why

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Covering all of the essential facts about human and animal senses, from why a cut hurts to how dolphins communicate, this new title in the popular I Wonder Why series provides real-life answers to the questions that young readers ask about the senses. With its bright and attractive mixture of realistic and cartoon illustrations and funny but informative text, I Wonder Why Lemons Taste Sour has the perfect formula for enjoyable learning.… (meer)
Titel:I Wonder Why Lemons Taste Sour: and Other Questions About the Senses
Auteurs:Deborah Chancellor (Auteur)
Info:Kingfisher (2008), Edition: First Edition, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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I Wonder Why Lemons Taste Sour and Other Questions About Senses door Deborah Chancellor

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Non-fiction book with lots of short informational facts about each of the different senses. Short enough to read through in one sitting. ( )
  maddiemoof | Oct 20, 2015 |
This book introdece us about various riddle's answer.

For example,『Why do lemons taste sour?』
Lemons contain circic acid, which tastes sour.. You pick up this flavour along the sides, of your tongue. The lemon has taste is so strong that you can tell if one drop of lemon has been mixed with 50000drops of water!

『How loud is a whale's whistle?』
The blue whale makes a whistling sound. This amazing noise measures up to 188 decibels, which is as long as a space rocket launch!

『How fussy is a koala?』
Tha koala is the world's pickest eater. It will only eat eucalyptus leaves, and it spends most of its day searching for exactry the right type. Most other animals, eat any different things.
  hide | Sep 2, 2009 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Deborah Chancellorprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Weber, BelindaRedacteurSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Covering all of the essential facts about human and animal senses, from why a cut hurts to how dolphins communicate, this new title in the popular I Wonder Why series provides real-life answers to the questions that young readers ask about the senses. With its bright and attractive mixture of realistic and cartoon illustrations and funny but informative text, I Wonder Why Lemons Taste Sour has the perfect formula for enjoyable learning.

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