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Plants And Landscapes For Summer-dry…
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Plants And Landscapes For Summer-dry Climates Of The San Francisco Bay Region (editie 2004)

door East Bay Municipal Utility District

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611442,963 (4.5)Geen
Gardening. Environmental Studies. Photographs by Saxon Holt. Illustrations by Richard Pembroke. This lavishly illustrated book celebrates the challenges and opportunities of gardening in Mediterranean climates, with special reference to northern California's San Francisco Bay Region. The core of the book is a catalog of more than 650 plants suited to regions with mild, usually wet winters and dry, often hot summers. These plants thrive with moderate to no summer irrigation when established, require little or no maintenance, and are reasonably available from nurseries, botanic gardens, native plant sales, or specialty seed suppliers. Many of the 542 color photographs show plants in garden settings to suggest attractive and compatible plant combinations. Summary charts provide information on each plant, such as bloom time, needs for water and sun, and preferences for coastal or inland microclimates. Lists suggest plants for special situations, such as hot sites, dryish shade, small gardens, and clay soils. Chapters on landscape design and maintenance inspire readers to make gardens that use little water and no harmful chemicals, with a focus on building healthy soil. Practical steps to successful design are supplemented with ideas for designing with microclimate, attracting wildlife, and fire safety. Sidebars by local experts discuss weather, natural landscapes, design solutions, and gardening with recycled water. "A valuable resource for climate-compatible gardening in the San Franciso Bay Area that will also be of interest to gardeners in other parts of the world with a similar seasonal pattern of winter rain and dry summers. This book will occupy a prominent place in my library for many years to come."--Katherine Greenberg, president Mediterranean Garden Society "This book is beautifully designed with abundant photographs of plants, many in garden settings, and it is packed with the kind of information gardeners need for their own special situations. Simply stunning! Bravo!"--Phyllis M. Faber, editor University of California Press… (meer)
Titel:Plants And Landscapes For Summer-dry Climates Of The San Francisco Bay Region
Auteurs:East Bay Municipal Utility District
Info:Ebmud Water Conservation Ms 48 (2004), Edition: 1, Paperback, 336 pages
Verzamelingen:Aan het lezen

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Plants And Landscapes For Summer-dry Climates Of The San Francisco Bay Region door Nora Harlow

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Niles District residents [author: Jill Singleton] and Kris Sandoe researched and authored many of the plant descriptions in this beautiful plant book produced to encourage water wise gardening by the Water Conservation Department at EBMUD. If you are looking for a plant book that will help you with your Fremont or East Bay Garden, this one should be on your coffee table and you should have a second copy for your potting shed! Nelson Kirk, local Big-Tree-Guy extraordinare and long time landsacpe professional for Fremont and Union City municipalities confirmed Jill and Kris' research regarding localization in the East Bay for many of the plants described here. Looking for a little water-wise inspriation? You've come to the right place! ( )
  nkmunn | Nov 19, 2010 |
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Gardening. Environmental Studies. Photographs by Saxon Holt. Illustrations by Richard Pembroke. This lavishly illustrated book celebrates the challenges and opportunities of gardening in Mediterranean climates, with special reference to northern California's San Francisco Bay Region. The core of the book is a catalog of more than 650 plants suited to regions with mild, usually wet winters and dry, often hot summers. These plants thrive with moderate to no summer irrigation when established, require little or no maintenance, and are reasonably available from nurseries, botanic gardens, native plant sales, or specialty seed suppliers. Many of the 542 color photographs show plants in garden settings to suggest attractive and compatible plant combinations. Summary charts provide information on each plant, such as bloom time, needs for water and sun, and preferences for coastal or inland microclimates. Lists suggest plants for special situations, such as hot sites, dryish shade, small gardens, and clay soils. Chapters on landscape design and maintenance inspire readers to make gardens that use little water and no harmful chemicals, with a focus on building healthy soil. Practical steps to successful design are supplemented with ideas for designing with microclimate, attracting wildlife, and fire safety. Sidebars by local experts discuss weather, natural landscapes, design solutions, and gardening with recycled water. "A valuable resource for climate-compatible gardening in the San Franciso Bay Area that will also be of interest to gardeners in other parts of the world with a similar seasonal pattern of winter rain and dry summers. This book will occupy a prominent place in my library for many years to come."--Katherine Greenberg, president Mediterranean Garden Society "This book is beautifully designed with abundant photographs of plants, many in garden settings, and it is packed with the kind of information gardeners need for their own special situations. Simply stunning! Bravo!"--Phyllis M. Faber, editor University of California Press

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