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Fairy Dreams door Carol McLean-Carr
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Fairy Dreams (editie 2003)

door Carol McLean-Carr

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892313,473 (3.5)1
Fairies take the playthings of little Isobel, and then lose them. The reader is asked to find the objects in the illustrations.
Titel:Fairy Dreams
Auteurs:Carol McLean-Carr
Info:Omnibus Books (2003), Paperback, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Fairy Dreams door Carol Mclean-Carr

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This is a rhyming picture book about fairies that come out in the night while people are sleeping and borrow their things. The book is also a search and find. The main point of this story is fantasy and imagination. I love this book! My twin sister, Rachel, was obsessed with this book when we were younger, and she checked it out of our school library continuously. When our school closed it had a book sale, she bought it. My favorite thing about this book is the illustrations. The fairies are illustrated in suck striking colors that make them really pop out on the page. They look like they’re floating separately from everything else. Also, their wings have this transparent quality that really makes it look like they are flying. A second thing that I really love about this book is that it rhymes. It’s a fantasy book and I think that the rhyme scheme plays into that and gives the book a more mystical quality. My favorite rhyme is on the last page “Fairy dreams are things of night/And vanish with the morning light,/Yet Isobel awakes to find/Twelve gifts the fairies left behind.” A third thing really like that this book is a search--and--find without being the traditional kind where there’s just a bunch of things jammed into a scene. This are actual illustrations and one just has to look for the objects on the last page to see where the fairies got them. A fourth thing I really like about this book is the end pages. The end pages are the same and they have a picture of each fairy from the book with his or her name underneath. Each of them is also holding something that belongs to Isobel, and it asks the reader if he or she can find them scattered in the book. ( )
  MelissaPatek | May 5, 2014 |
This was a picture book and there was pretty prose about what the fairies do at night. Lush illustrations were included in this book. There was also a game to locate the 12 items taken from the little girl's room and then at the end another game to go back and do. Combined with the illustrations this was cool for a book you are reading during the day and with one child, but the difficulty finding the items and how many there were combined to make this a bad book to read at bedtime. I wouldn't ask a child under the 3rd grade to look for the items (even I couldn't find some of them). ( )
  SJeanneM | May 2, 2008 |
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Fairies take the playthings of little Isobel, and then lose them. The reader is asked to find the objects in the illustrations.

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