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Trekking in Bolivia: A Traveler's Guide (Trekking In...)

door Yossi Brain

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* The first trekking guide devoted to Bolivia * Widest selection of treks, including the best Inca trade routes * Expert advice on where to buy and hire gear and services and on arranging your own trips and transportation Beautiful, uncrowded, inexpensive, and partly unexplored, Bolivia offers a variety of trekking and climbing opportunities. Whether you're interested in trekking through the Andes or climbing Huayna Potosi, this guide provides all the information you'll need to explore this diverse land. From the high mountains of the Andes to the tropical forests of Los Yungas to the wildlife-filled jungles of the lowlands, Bolivia is one of the premier South American destinations for trekkers. Its low cost, political stability, natural diversity, and variety of routes have made it increasingly popular with travelers.Trekking in Bolivia has detailed route maps for trips of all lengths and levels of difficulty. Take a day trip or challenging multi-day mountain trek, follow some of the best-preserved Inca paved trade routes in South America, or explore national parks and the jungle. Trekking is the best way to see the magnificent snow-capped mountains of the Bolivian Andes and the only way to catch sight of much of the incredible wildlife and meet a people whose way of life has changed little over the last 400 years.… (meer)
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* The first trekking guide devoted to Bolivia * Widest selection of treks, including the best Inca trade routes * Expert advice on where to buy and hire gear and services and on arranging your own trips and transportation Beautiful, uncrowded, inexpensive, and partly unexplored, Bolivia offers a variety of trekking and climbing opportunities. Whether you're interested in trekking through the Andes or climbing Huayna Potosi, this guide provides all the information you'll need to explore this diverse land. From the high mountains of the Andes to the tropical forests of Los Yungas to the wildlife-filled jungles of the lowlands, Bolivia is one of the premier South American destinations for trekkers. Its low cost, political stability, natural diversity, and variety of routes have made it increasingly popular with travelers.Trekking in Bolivia has detailed route maps for trips of all lengths and levels of difficulty. Take a day trip or challenging multi-day mountain trek, follow some of the best-preserved Inca paved trade routes in South America, or explore national parks and the jungle. Trekking is the best way to see the magnificent snow-capped mountains of the Bolivian Andes and the only way to catch sight of much of the incredible wildlife and meet a people whose way of life has changed little over the last 400 years.

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