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Bloom door Elizabeth Scott
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Bloom (editie 2007)

door Elizabeth Scott, Lisa Fyfe (Ontwerper)

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5723343,551 (3.76)24
There's a difference between falling and letting go. Lauren has a good life: decent grades, great friends, and a boyfriend every girl lusts after. So why is she so unhappy? It takes the arrival of Evan Kirkland for Lauren to figure out the answer: She's been holding back. She's been denying herself a bunch of things because staying with her loyal and gorgeous boyfriend, Dave, is the "right" thing to do. After all, who would give up the perfect boyfriend? But as Dave starts talking more and more about their life together, planning a future Lauren simply can't see herself in and as Lauren's craving for Evan, and moreover, who she is with Evan becomes all the more fierce Lauren realizes she needs to make a choice ... before one is made for her.… (meer)
Auteurs:Elizabeth Scott
Andere auteurs:Lisa Fyfe (Ontwerper)
Info:Simon Pulse (2007), Paperback, 240 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Bloom door Elizabeth Scott

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1-5 van 33 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Oh, my goodness. The English staff want lighter, more romantic books introduced into Yr 8 Literature Circles, but everything I've read that I thought my be suitable, has been terrible. Why does it have to be so hard?

Sadly, "Bloom" was no exception. Lauren was an awful protagonist. She was whiny and shallow, and kept telling the reader how 'perfect' her boyfriend, Dave, was even though she was thinking about kissing Evan Then she starts going out with him while still Dave's girlfriend. Really???!!! There was nothing inspirational about this novel and I was disgusted with Lauren's behaviour. Not for me! ( )
  HeatherLINC | Mar 14, 2019 |
"Bloom gets 4 out of 5 stars. Very cute. The characters were well written and you just wanted to find out more."

Read more of this review here: ( )
  fromjesstoyou | Dec 31, 2018 |
I always love a light fluffy read. I wasn't too drawn to the main character, though she did make me laugh a few times. I can't say that I was happy about how she treated Dave, her boyfriend, and Evan; but I can see that while she liked them both, the decision was a tough one for her to make. The ending left me wanting, and could have been wrapped up a little better, but all in all the book was just what I needed after reading Crank. ( )
  chaoticbooklover | Dec 26, 2018 |
This book took me forever to read because I just wasn't into it. It was good, but easy to put down and move onto something else. ( )
  Kelseykko | Aug 31, 2013 |
Lauren has a perfect life. She has good grades, a perfect boyfriend and a loving family. Most of the people envy her because she never gets in fights with her boyfriend. Lauren is a very whiny teenager throughout the whole book; she complains on almost everything and it becomes hard for me to sympathize with her.I feel like her problems and all that she is going through is all fake. There are several lines that repeat emphasizing how cute, perfect and charming Dave (her boyfriend) is. This story is like a long soap opera. The lines, pages and emotions just drags on until there is nothing left to say and then the author ends the story. I just wanted the book to end as quickly as it could. There are some parts where you get lost in the book and don't know what exactly is going on; the story line is like an average love story and the personalities of the character's are not really that outstanding or unique. I personally think that this book was not as greatly written as Scott's other books. ( )
  nitalia | Jun 10, 2012 |
1-5 van 33 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Finally, this book is dedicated to Marianna Volokitina who always believed I could do this.
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I guess I kept hoping some kind of miracle would happen.
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There's a difference between falling and letting go. Lauren has a good life: decent grades, great friends, and a boyfriend every girl lusts after. So why is she so unhappy? It takes the arrival of Evan Kirkland for Lauren to figure out the answer: She's been holding back. She's been denying herself a bunch of things because staying with her loyal and gorgeous boyfriend, Dave, is the "right" thing to do. After all, who would give up the perfect boyfriend? But as Dave starts talking more and more about their life together, planning a future Lauren simply can't see herself in and as Lauren's craving for Evan, and moreover, who she is with Evan becomes all the more fierce Lauren realizes she needs to make a choice ... before one is made for her.

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Gemiddelde: (3.76)
1 4
2 8
2.5 4
3 43
3.5 11
4 44
4.5 3
5 43

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