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The Siamese Twin Mystery (Otto Penzler's…
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The Siamese Twin Mystery (Otto Penzler's Classic American Mystery Library) (origineel 1933; editie 2013)

door Ellery Queen (Auteur)

Reeksen: Ellery Queen (7)

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Trapped on a burning mountain, the Queens take refuge with a killer. Dashing detective Ellery Queen and his father are driving over the pothole-scarred Arrow Mountain road when they come face to face with a wall of flame. They tear back in the other direction, fire at their fenders, and finally find safety in a clearing, at the home of Dr. Xavier, a renowned surgeon. He is a genial man, but his distracted, mysterious smile conceals dark secrets. Passing through one of the drafty hallways, Ellery's father is startled by a pair of eyes burning in the darkness-the eyes of a monster. Could they be trapped on some kind of mountain of Dr. Moreau? Dr. Xavier introduces them to the rest of his household, including his wife, brother, and medical assistant. Everyone's welcoming, but they also seem anxious and cagey. When the good doctor is found shot to death in his study, Queen realizes that he and his father have more to fear than a pair of sinister eyes. The Queens might have escaped the forest fire, but they have leapt into a situation that's every bit as hot.… (meer)
Titel:The Siamese Twin Mystery (Otto Penzler's Classic American Mystery Library)
Auteurs:Ellery Queen (Auteur) Road (2013), 295 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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De Siamese tweeling* door Ellery Queen (1933)

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 Name that Book: Found: Murder mystery on a Mountain3 ongelezen / 3emmma.289, januari 15

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Ellery Queen y su padre deben poner todo su ingenio a trabajar para resolver un caso en el que todo parece duplicado: los muertos, los hermanos, las claves, las soluciones y quizá incluso los culpables. Pero no hay nada que se resista a la sagacidad e imaginación de los Queen. Cuando John Xavier aparece asesinado con la mitad de una sota de diamantes en la mano, que parece señalar a uno de los gemelos, los Queen comprenden que hay más cosas que temer, además del fuego que avanza y de los monstruos enjaulados.
  Natt90 | Nov 9, 2022 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Ellery Queen has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. I used to watch the series on Sunday evening. Recently, I watched the series again on Amazon Prime.

While I was at a local library book sale, I came across the book, The Siamese Twin Mystery. Looking for a good mystery to read, I bought it. I certainly was not disappointed. Read more ( )
  skrabut | Sep 2, 2020 |
This is one of the earlier mysteries in the Ellery Queen series. It seemed to have more drama, was more drawn out in descriptions and in action.

Ellery and his dad, Inspector Queen, are on the way home from a vacation, driving through a mountain area. They find they have gotten caught in a wild fire and end up taking shelter at a home that is built at the top of a mountain.

The inhabitants are an odd group: Dr. Xavier - the owner, his wife - who appears jealous of one of their guests, Dr. Percival Holmes - assistant to the Dr., Mark Xavier - Dr. Xavier's brother, Mrs. Marie Carreau - the guest Mrs. Xavier is jealous of, Francis and Julian Carreau - sons of Mrs. Carreau, Ann Forrest - Mrs. Carreau's secretary, and a Mr. Smith - who seems to have some sort of connection. There is also the domestic staff. It is quite a cast.

The day after the Queens' arrival, Dr. Xavier is discovered dead in his study. He is clutching a clue - the dying clue. When Inspector Queen calls down the hill to notify the local law, he is told that the fire is getting out of control and there is no idea when someone can make it up the mountain. the Inspector is given authority over the situation.

The various characters seem to have secrets of their own, and there is a strange atmosphere to the house...and it isn't just due to the smoke and increasing heat of the approaching fire. This all plays together to add tension to the story. Will the mystery be solved? Will the fire be extinguished? Will the characters survive. All the while there is the question of who is the murderer and why.

This seem to have a great many more twists and turns, and a few dead ends, that usual. It was not a book to be read quickly due to so much going on. ( )
  ChazziFrazz | Apr 27, 2019 |
On their way back to New York from a vacation in Canada, Ellery Queen and his father, Inspector Queen, are trapped on a burning mountain seemingly with no way out. The only way to go is up, where they discover a large house with strange occupants. The owner, Dr. Xavier, reluctantly opens his home to them when he realizes that fire gives him no alternative. Dr. Xavier is murdered during the night, and the investigation gives Ellery and the Inspector something to do while they're trapped by the fire.

Ellery Queen mysteries are usually convoluted, and this one is even more convoluted than most. The dying man leaves a cryptic clue, the murderer leaves complex red herrings, and another unrelated crime complicates matters. All the while the fire keeps creeping closer. It's so poorly plotted that it's laughable. Just ask the friends who listened to most of this with me on a road trip. ( )
  cbl_tn | May 14, 2016 |
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Ellery Queenprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Penzler, OttoIntroductieSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Part I
"The human element is the only factor that keeps this world from being overrun by untouchable murderers. The complexity of the criminal mind is also its greatest weakness. Show me a so-called 'clever' murderer and I will show you a man already condemned to death."
--Crime and the Criminal by Luigi Persano (1928).
Part II
"Psychology never errs. The chief difficulty is knowing your subject. Psychology is an exact science with infinite ramifications."
--Minds Human and Inhuman by Stanley Whyte, D.Sc.
Part III
"It is as if you batter away at a stubborn door with all your strength and after exhaustive effort break it down. For a moment the light blinds you and you think you are seeing reality. Then your eyes become inured and you see that the details had been wispiest illusion, that it is merely an empty compartment with another stubborn door on the opposite side. . . . I daresay that every investigator of crime has experienced this same feeling on a case which has more than the average subtlety."
--From Rambles in the Past (p. 233) by Richard Queen.
Part IV
"I felt as if I was going crazy. Just plain crazy. I sat there and they stood over me and nobody said anything and all the while that damned bloody shirt lay there with the light on it and I could see his face even though he was a stiff in the Morgue. So I came through. I couldn't stand it. I felt as if I was going crazy. I confessed."
--A. F.'s statement to the press while awaiting execution at Sing Sing Prison, November 21, 19--.
Eerste woorden
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
The road looked as if it had been baked out of rubbly dough in a giant's oven, removed in all its snaky length, unwound and laid in coils around the flank of the mountain, and then cheerfully stamped upon.
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Trapped on a burning mountain, the Queens take refuge with a killer. Dashing detective Ellery Queen and his father are driving over the pothole-scarred Arrow Mountain road when they come face to face with a wall of flame. They tear back in the other direction, fire at their fenders, and finally find safety in a clearing, at the home of Dr. Xavier, a renowned surgeon. He is a genial man, but his distracted, mysterious smile conceals dark secrets. Passing through one of the drafty hallways, Ellery's father is startled by a pair of eyes burning in the darkness-the eyes of a monster. Could they be trapped on some kind of mountain of Dr. Moreau? Dr. Xavier introduces them to the rest of his household, including his wife, brother, and medical assistant. Everyone's welcoming, but they also seem anxious and cagey. When the good doctor is found shot to death in his study, Queen realizes that he and his father have more to fear than a pair of sinister eyes. The Queens might have escaped the forest fire, but they have leapt into a situation that's every bit as hot.

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3 19
3.5 5
4 14
4.5 2
5 11

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