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Children Around the World door Donata…
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Children Around the World (editie 2001)

door Donata Montanari

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25813107,336 (4.42)Geen
Delves into the culture, language, food, clothing, schooling, and daily life of twelve children around the world.
Titel:Children Around the World
Auteurs:Donata Montanari
Info:Kids Can Press (2001), Hardcover, 32 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Children Around the World door Donata Montanari

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This book dives deeply into the many cultures we have around the world. I especially love how each child is different and unique in their own right. Highly recommend for those wanting to learn more about the cultures we are surrounded by. ( )
  Madelyn25 | Apr 22, 2021 |
Tells the reader about a number of children in different places of the world. Diversity and uniqueness in cultures by identifying different clothing, food, and etc. is shown in the book.
  LorieZ03 | Mar 22, 2017 |
With a two-page spread for each country, 4-8 sentences per page and large cut-paper illustrations, 12 children from various countries speak in first person to talk about themselves and their lives -- such things as the language, food, clothing, schooling and daily life of their region. This book provides a great opportunity to use a globe or large world map to show each child's country.
  wichitafriendsschool | Feb 18, 2017 |
a GREAT book to discuss the different characteristics of people. talks about people around the world, where they live, their culture, their language and much more
1 book
  TUCC | Jan 10, 2017 |
I enjoyed reading "Children Around the World" by Donata Montanari for three reasons. First, I enjoyed how on every page there was a new character from a different country, telling their own story (ex. The first story is of a boy named Emilio, who is from the Philippines). Second, I enjoyed how diverse the book was. The book describes different countries, such as, Australia, Morocco, United States, India, Mexico, Japan, and etc. It also describes what the people are like that live there. Third, the illustrations on each page are detailed and go along with the country being represented (ex. on the page about Miguel from Mexico, there are red chilis, tacos, and a market with ponchos. "Children Around the World" explores different cultures and what these cultures look like in 12 various countries found around the world. The big idea behind the text is that everyone is different and unique in their own way (ex. Cathy from Australia lives on a farm and Tim from the United States lives in a building that has over 31 floors! ( )
  CheyenneSnider | Oct 30, 2016 |
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Delves into the culture, language, food, clothing, schooling, and daily life of twelve children around the world.

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