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The Scottish Islands - Orkney & Shetland

door James Penrith

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As the leading guide to the Orkney and Shetland isles, this book provides excellent information on practicalities, such as transport to the islands, accommodation and events, as well as shedding light on hidden gems. Scottish Islands - Orkney & Shetland will lead the visitor to sights and places that might otherwise be missed, including how to book a bed in a lighthouse or a castle, where to find the best preserved Stone Age village in Europe or a fossil fish 300 million years old and how to find the best of the islands' traditional folk music. Consisting of more than 170 islands and islets, the islands have much to offer the discerning visitor. Once remote from outside influence, they are now reaping the benefits of tourism and modern communications, while still managing to preserve their individual characters and traditions unspoilt by commercialisation. The guide informs readers of species of wild flowers, some of which are found nowhere else on earth, and where to locate land and marine wildlife including whales, dolphins and otters. There is also information on how walkers, cyclists, canoeists, yachtsmen and kayakers can all pursue their individual sports in the islands' stunning countryside… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorgleebez, kbuchanan, paulson, Sile
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As the leading guide to the Orkney and Shetland isles, this book provides excellent information on practicalities, such as transport to the islands, accommodation and events, as well as shedding light on hidden gems. Scottish Islands - Orkney & Shetland will lead the visitor to sights and places that might otherwise be missed, including how to book a bed in a lighthouse or a castle, where to find the best preserved Stone Age village in Europe or a fossil fish 300 million years old and how to find the best of the islands' traditional folk music. Consisting of more than 170 islands and islets, the islands have much to offer the discerning visitor. Once remote from outside influence, they are now reaping the benefits of tourism and modern communications, while still managing to preserve their individual characters and traditions unspoilt by commercialisation. The guide informs readers of species of wild flowers, some of which are found nowhere else on earth, and where to locate land and marine wildlife including whales, dolphins and otters. There is also information on how walkers, cyclists, canoeists, yachtsmen and kayakers can all pursue their individual sports in the islands' stunning countryside

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