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Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea…
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Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry (origineel 2002; editie 2002)

door John Piper

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2,588295,927 (4.28)5
In this revised and expanded edition of Brothers, We Are Not Professionals that includes a new introduction and select all-new chapters, best-selling author John Piper pleads through a series of thoughtful essays with fellow pastors to abandon the professionalization of the pastorate and pursue the prophetic call of the Bible for radical ministry. "We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry," he writes. "The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the prophet. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ. Professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness, there is no professional tenderheartedness, there is no professional panting after God. "Brothers, we are not professionals. We are outcasts. We are aliens and exiles in the world. Our citizenship is in Heaven, and we wait with eager expectation for the Lord (Phil. 3:20). you cannot professionalize the love for His appearing without killing it. And it is being killed. "The world sets the agenda of the professional man; God sets the agenda of the spiritual man. The strong wine of Jesus Christ explodes the wine- skins of professionalism.".… (meer)
Titel:Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry
Auteurs:John Piper
Info:B&H Publishing Group (2002), Paperback, 150 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry door John Piper (2002)

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1-5 van 31 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This book is written from a pastor to pastors as a warning against the trap of "professionalism" that so many find themselves stumbling into today. He argues that Christlike traits such as childlikeness, tenderheartedness, and dedication to prayer clash are what we should be seeking emulate in our lives and in ministry.

Even though I'm not a pastor, this book was a good read and gave me insight into the need for Christlike character over professionalism. ( )
  thesthomp | Jul 16, 2024 |
Summary: Professionalism is the antithesis of godly pastoring. Professionalism is roughly defined as a commitment to the values of middle-class corporate America where respectability is a cardinal virtue. Instead, pastors are called to champion the glory of God, the holiness of God, and the love of God. We are to preach justification through faith which unites us to Christ. We are to lead in obedience for the sake of joy, for joy is a wonderful motivation. We pray, we study, we increase our skills for the glory of God and our own good as well. We address baptism, suffering, wealth, racism, and abortion boldly. We maintain our own lives.

Pros: Some of the chapters are poignant. They are well said and much needed.

Cons: Some of the chapters are misses. The clarity on perseverance was disappointing. Hedonism is still a poor metaphor.

Evaluation: This is Piper's admonition to ministers in twenty-first century America. He has recognized weaknesses and provided solutions. I am grateful for many of the chapters. The good parts are really good. Piper is always coherently centered on the glory of God and our own joy which gives a fit to the work. It is a helpful book. ( )
  jstamp26 | Jun 8, 2023 |
I have a confession to make. I don't really get all the fuss over John Piper's books.

I've read quite a few of them. Every time I finish one, I think, "What was all the fuss about?" I think the issue, at least for me, is mostly stylistic. His writing style just doesn't appeal to me. There is something about the cadence and the droning lists that just irk me. Having said that, I'm deeply appreciative of his biblical insights and his passion (that often overwhelms me and irks me even more).

In Brothers, We are Not Professionals, Piper breaks the mold. As far as I'm concerned, this is his magnum opus. Forget Desiring God and . Those things are rags compared to Brothers!! Following in the path of Spurgeon's Lectures to My Students, Piper offers up simple essays that challenge ministers in just about every conceivable way! He addresses everything from the minister's marriage to the need to preach justification by faith. Each chapter tackles a unique topic and could be read on its own. Piper has penned an offering that is sure to mentor young ministers well beyond his own lifetime. I found myself evaluating my own life with each chapter. More than a few blindspots were revealed! I can honestly say that this book has inspired me to (among other things) be more faithful in my study of original biblical languages, to read more Christian biographies, to tell my people "that copper will do" (read chapter 29- you'll agree with me!), and to be more prayerful. I am immensely thankful to John Piper for this offering!

I guess I should admit that, at least in this instance, I DO get all of the fuss! ( )
  RobSumrall | May 14, 2016 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Very helpful thoughts on pastoral ministry. The updated edition contains several new chapters, one of which humbly corrects an imbalance in the first edition by arguing that God does in fact make much of us in Christ. Another new chapter addresses the homiletic issue of matching the tone of the message to the tone of the text, which for me has been an instructive way of examining a message beyond simple textual faithfulness. Chapter 27, on the value of bodily exercise, humanizes the book in an important way. Overall, a very good book that has only gotten better. ( )
  cjsdg | May 14, 2014 |
Deze bespreking is geschreven voor LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten.
Piper always tries to write in a way that will communicate to his readers instead of build up his own image. He also writes from the heart, and that is evident on every page. This new edition is even better than the first, and well worth not only your money but your time.
  Tertius | Mar 30, 2014 |
1-5 van 31 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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The preacher . . . is not a professional man;
his ministry is not a profession;
it is a divine institution, a divine devotion.
-- E. M. Bounds
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[Preface to the New Edition] Nothing has happened in the last ten years to make me think this book is less needed.
We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of pastoral ministry.
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In this revised and expanded edition of Brothers, We Are Not Professionals that includes a new introduction and select all-new chapters, best-selling author John Piper pleads through a series of thoughtful essays with fellow pastors to abandon the professionalization of the pastorate and pursue the prophetic call of the Bible for radical ministry. "We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry," he writes. "The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the prophet. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ. Professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness, there is no professional tenderheartedness, there is no professional panting after God. "Brothers, we are not professionals. We are outcasts. We are aliens and exiles in the world. Our citizenship is in Heaven, and we wait with eager expectation for the Lord (Phil. 3:20). you cannot professionalize the love for His appearing without killing it. And it is being killed. "The world sets the agenda of the professional man; God sets the agenda of the spiritual man. The strong wine of Jesus Christ explodes the wine- skins of professionalism.".

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Gemiddelde: (4.28)
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4 41
4.5 10
5 67

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