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Kind Of Blue door Miles Davis
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Kind Of Blue (editie 2009)

door Miles Davis (Artist)

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338379,598 (4.61)10
Regarded by experts as "the best jazz recording of all time," the 1959 release Kind of Blue is one of the most influential albums in the history of jazz. The new hardcover deluxe edition of this exceptional book features transcriptions of all the improvised solos as well as sketch scores for all the songs from this landmark release; this includes Miles' trumpet parts, the brilliant sax work of John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderly, a full transcription of Wynton Kelly's piano solo on "Freddie Freeloader," and Paul Chambers' and Jimmy Cobb's rhythm section parts to use as guides for the feel of each composition. Songs include: So What * Freddie Freeloader * Blue in Green * All Blues * and Flamenco Sketches, including an alternate take. Also includes fabulous photos and an essay written specifically for this edition by composer Bill Kirchner, who won a Grammy for his notes on Sony's Miles Davis/Gil Evans boxed set, and edited The Miles Davis Reader for Smithsonian Institution Press. "For musicians in the know, this book can only enhance one's ardor for the album Quincy Jones calls his 'orange juice' and Donald Fagen hails as 'The Bible.'" -Ashley Kahn, author of Kind of Blue: The Making of the Miles Davis Masterpiece "Put on the recording, take out the score, and you'll learn a lot and hear things you hadn't noticed before." -Lewis Porter, Director of the MA in Jazz History and Research, Rutgers University at Newark… (meer)
Titel:Kind Of Blue
Auteurs:Miles Davis (Artist)
Info:Sony Legacy (2009)
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:music, jazz, trumpet

Informatie over het werk

Kind of Blue [bladmuziek] door Miles Davis (Trumpet)

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The zen of jazz.

Miles Davis' Kind of Blue is arguably the greatest jazz record. There are many words written about this record and the musicians who made it. And I have little to add. Davis' modal jazz is minimalism at its best--nothing here but the essence of the music, reminding the listener of classical Japanese design where the symbol of the thing is the thing itself. I've been driving around listening to the 1997 reissue on CD without pause. Not a bad song here. ( )
  RmCox38111 | Dec 26, 2019 |
CD1-1 So What 9:22
CD1-2 Freddie Freeloader 9:46
CD1-3 Blue In Green 5:36
CD1-4 All Blues 11:32
CD1-5 Flamenco Sketches 9:25
CD1-6 Flamenco Sketches (Alternate Take) 9:31 ( )
  carptrash | Apr 16, 2022 |
$1000 mxn
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Davis, MilesTrumpetprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Adderley, CannonballMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Chambers, PaulMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Cobb, JimmyMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Coltrane, JohnMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Evans, BillMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Kelly, WyntonMedewerkerSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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Regarded by experts as "the best jazz recording of all time," the 1959 release Kind of Blue is one of the most influential albums in the history of jazz. The new hardcover deluxe edition of this exceptional book features transcriptions of all the improvised solos as well as sketch scores for all the songs from this landmark release; this includes Miles' trumpet parts, the brilliant sax work of John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderly, a full transcription of Wynton Kelly's piano solo on "Freddie Freeloader," and Paul Chambers' and Jimmy Cobb's rhythm section parts to use as guides for the feel of each composition. Songs include: So What * Freddie Freeloader * Blue in Green * All Blues * and Flamenco Sketches, including an alternate take. Also includes fabulous photos and an essay written specifically for this edition by composer Bill Kirchner, who won a Grammy for his notes on Sony's Miles Davis/Gil Evans boxed set, and edited The Miles Davis Reader for Smithsonian Institution Press. "For musicians in the know, this book can only enhance one's ardor for the album Quincy Jones calls his 'orange juice' and Donald Fagen hails as 'The Bible.'" -Ashley Kahn, author of Kind of Blue: The Making of the Miles Davis Masterpiece "Put on the recording, take out the score, and you'll learn a lot and hear things you hadn't noticed before." -Lewis Porter, Director of the MA in Jazz History and Research, Rutgers University at Newark

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Gemiddelde: (4.61)
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4 5
5 23

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