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Bezig met laden... The Sandman: Season of Mists (1992)door Neil Gaiman
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Meld je aan bij LibraryThing om erachter te komen of je dit boek goed zult vinden. Op dit moment geen Discussie gesprekken over dit boek. This might be my favorite volume so far. Neil Gaiman thrives when he writes about mythology - Norse Mythology and American Gods are standouts. Here - he takes Western mythology for a spin - with Lucifer handing over the keys to hell to Dream. When Lucifer abdicates the throne of Hell, sending the damned back to earth, and turns the keys over to Dream. Dream doesn’t really want the property—he just wants to make amends with Nada - but a lot of other beings want hell, including demons, angels, fairies, and a ton of gods: Odin, Thor, Loki, Anubis, Bes, Bast, the Shinto storm god Susano-o-no-Mikoto, and the personifications of Order (a cardboard box carried by a genie) and Chaos (a little girl dressed like a clown). All the beings make their bid. One of these offers interests Dream greatly: a chance to rescue his lover Queen Nada from the consequences of his youthful anger. In the end, Dream goes with the choice that restores order, and what this order says about Western Christianity is horrifying. And of course, in the end, Dream gets to reconcile with Nada. I still think he is a jerk for what he did to her but at least Nada has a chance at life again in the end. geen besprekingen | voeg een bespreking toe
Onderdeel van de reeks(en)The Sandman (04 (Issues 21-28)) The Sandman {1989-1996} (TPB, issues 21-28) Onderdeel van de uitgeversreeks(en)Is opgenomen inBevatIs herverteld inHeeft een naslagwerk/handboekHeeft een supplementPrijzenErelijsten
The fourth installment of Neil Gaiman's seminal series, THE SANDMAN VOL. 4: SEASON OF MISTS, celebrates its 30th anniversary with all all-new edition! Ten thousand years ago, Morpheus condemned a woman who loved him to Hell. Now the other members of his immortal family, The Endless, have convinced the Dream King that this was an injustice. To make it right, Morpheus must return to Hell to rescue his banished love -- and Hell's ruler, the fallen angel Lucifer, has already sworn to destroy him. Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden. |
Actuele discussiesGeenPopulaire omslagenGenresDewey Decimale Classificatie (DDC)741.5973The arts Graphic arts and decorative arts Drawing & drawings Cartoons, Caricatures, Comics History, geographic treatment, biography North American United States (General)LC-classificatieWaarderingGemiddelde:
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