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Idoru door William Gibson
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Idoru (editie 1996)

door William Gibson (Auteur)

Reeksen: Bridge Trilogy (2)

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5,942481,748 (3.65)76
21st century Tokyo, after the millennial quake. Neon rain. Light everywhere blowing under any door you might try to close. Where the New Buildings, the largest in the world, erect themselves unaided, their slow rippling movements like the contractions of a sea-creature . . . Colin Laney is here looking for work. He is an intuitive fisher for patterns of information, the "signature" an individual creates simply by going about the business of living. But Laney knows how to sift for the dangerous bits. Which makes him useful-to certain people. Chia McKenzie is here on a rescue mission. She's fourteen. Her idol is the singer Rez, of the band Lo/Rez. When the Seattle chapter of the Lo/Rez fan club decided that he might be in trouble in Tokyo, they sent Chia to check it out. Rei Toei is the idoru-the beautiful, entirely virtual media star adored by all Japan. Rez has declared that he will marry her. This is the rumor that has brought Chia to Tokyo. True or not, the idoru and the powerful interests surrounding her are enough to put all their lives in danger . . .… (meer)
Auteurs:William Gibson (Auteur)
Info:Viking (1996), Edition: First, 304 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Idoru door William Gibson

Onlangs toegevoegd doorjohnbauer2000, jleishman, Lihalan, Cudman, Eiketske1004, lampbane
Nagelaten BibliothekenTerence Kemp McKenna
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Τόκιο, 21 αιώνας, μετά τον σεισμό της χιλιετίας. Βροχή από νέον. Φως παντού? χώνεται κάτω από κάθε πόρτα, όσο καλά κι αν προσπαθείς να την κλείσεις. Όπου τα νέα κτίρια, τα μεγαλύτερα του κόσμου, υψώνονται από μόνα τους? η αργή, κυματιστή τους κίνηση μοιάζει με συσπάσεις πλάσματος της θάλασσας.
Ο Κόλιν Λέινι βρίσκεται εδώ ψάχνοντας για δουλειά. Δεν ικανοποιείται, φροντίζει να δηλώσει εξ αρχής, με τη θέαση. Είναι ιδιοφυής ψαράς σχηματισμών πληροφορίας, της «υπογραφής» που διαμορφώνει κάθε συγκεκριμένο άτομο απλώς και μόνο με το να ζει. Μα ο Λέινι ξέρει πώς να ξεχωρίζει τα ενδιαφέροντα (όρα επικίνδυνα) στοιχεία, κι έτσι γίνεται ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμος σε κάποιους.
Η Τσία Μαν Κένζι βρίσκεται εδώ σε αποστολή διάσωσης. Είναι 14 ετών. Είδωλό της ο τραγουδ8ιστής Ρεζ του συγκροτήματος Λο-Ρεζ. Όταν το παράρτημα της λέσχης Λο-Ρεζ του Σιάτλ αποφάσισε πως ο Ρεζ βρίσκεται ίσως σε δύσκολη θέση στο Τόκιο, έστειλε την Τσία να το διαπιστώσει.
Η Ρέι Τοέι είναι η όμορφη, εικονική σταρ των μίντια που λατρεύει ολόκληρη η Ιαπωνία. Το Ιντόρου. Ο Ρεζ έχει δηλώσει πως θα την παντρευτεί. Κι αυτή είναι η φήμη που έφερε την Τσία στο Τόκιο. Τα θέματα, όμως, που απασχολούν τον Ρεζ, δεν απασχολούν τους κοινούς ανθρώπους.
Μήπως εδώ συμβαίνει κάτι αλλιώτικο, που αλλάζει στην ίδια την ουσία της πραγματικότητας; Ή μήπως κάτι αναπάντεχα καινούριο πρόκειται να συμβεί; Είναι δυνατόν το Ιντόρου να είναι τόσο πραγματικό όσο θέλει ή όσο χρειάζεται να είναι; - ή έστω, όσο θα επιθυμούσε ο Ρεζ; Όταν ο Κόλιν Λέινι κοιτάζει μέσα στα μαύρα της μάτια, προσπαθώντας να μην τη βλέπει παρά σαν ένα απλό ολόγραμμα, βλέπει πράγματα που ποτέ δεν είχε ξαναδεί. Βλέπει πώς θα μπορούσε να κλέψει την καρδιά ενός άντρα.
Οτιδήποτε όμως κι αν ισχύει, το Ιντόρου και τα ισχυρά συμφέροντα που διακυβεύονται γύρω του φτάνουν για να θέσουν τη ζωή όλων σε κίνδυνο.
  dimi777 | Aug 1, 2024 |
Awesome. I had a hard time getting into it at first (the first quarter was a little slow), but about half way in remembered why Gibson is such a great cyberpunk author. ( )
  ggulick | May 29, 2024 |
He is like Chandler or Hammett : he keeps you engaged in the story, but ultimately it’s his capacity to flesh this future world out that keeps you reading. This a bit dated in 2023 -kind of old (cyberpunk having a short shelf life) but not impossibly so.
There is this contraband smuggling character that is annoying from her first appearance till the end, so points off from me for that.
There’s a cool body guard to the rock star in the story -I could see Dave Bautista owning that role.
Overall, fun ride… ( )
  arthurfrayn | Aug 10, 2023 |
awesome. cool. hip.
A Book Review of William Gibson's Idoru

Gibson's prose is so solid you can bang your head to it. It is shiny and elegant and compact - like a Macintosh product. Gibson's no-nonsense approach to dialogue is apparent here. It is told in third-person omniscient. There are a lot of interesting characters.

Chia Pet McKenzie. Zona Rosa. Keith Blackwell. Colin Laney.

Gibson has this gift of giving his characters wonderful, hip, names.

The idoru is this virtual superstar in Japan. An idol.

Another character is this aging, world-famous rockstar, adored by millions of teenage female fans. These female fans form fan clubs. CHia is from the Seattle branch of the fan club. ZOna Rosa is from the Mexican branch. Chia is sent to Japan to confirm on the rumor of their famous beloved rockstar marrying the Japanese idoru.

Nanotechnology is involved.

And Colin Laney, the 'quant' ties all these threads together.

Gibson's Idoru is catered to those who have already read his other works - Neuromancer, Mona Lisa Overdrive, etc. Though of course you can read it on its own. One develops a taste for Gibson's style. It then turns into an addiction. And soon one finds oneself having withdrawal symptoms. Right now, I am aching for that novel following this one (All Tomorrow's Parties) which I cannot find in the bookstores here in Manila

Mar 20, '11 10:44 PM
---------------------- ( )
3 stem rufus666 | Aug 14, 2022 |
This page turning piece of fiction left me wondering whether or not there was any substance underneath the excitement. Gibson is an excellent painter of worlds and moods. But the plot is thin and the characters like store models, detailed on the outside but hollow on the inside. Overall, I would be happy to read another Gibson novel if one came into my hands, but I am not motivated to seek them out. ( )
1 stem eri_kars | Jul 10, 2022 |
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Gibson's latest future no longer has the shocking power of a decade ago, but it is more cleverly politicised, and as fast, witty and lovingly painted as ever.
toegevoegd door andyl | bewerkThe Guardian, Stephen Poole (Oct 3, 1996)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (14 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
William Gibsonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Brolli, DanieleRedacteurSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Forte, FrancoMedewerkerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Giorello, GiulioMedewerkerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Peter RobertVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Werner,HoniArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Zinoni, DelioVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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After Slitscan, Laney heard about another job from Rydell, the night security man at the Chateau.
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"I like your computer," she said. "It looks like it was made by Indians or something."

Chia looked down at her sandbenders. Turned off the red switch. "Coral," she said. "These are turquoise. The ones that look like ivory are the inside of a kind of nut. Renewable."

"The rest is silver?"

"Aluminum," Chia said. "They melt old cans they dig up on the beach cast it in sand molds. These panels are micarta. That's linen with this resin in it."
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21st century Tokyo, after the millennial quake. Neon rain. Light everywhere blowing under any door you might try to close. Where the New Buildings, the largest in the world, erect themselves unaided, their slow rippling movements like the contractions of a sea-creature . . . Colin Laney is here looking for work. He is an intuitive fisher for patterns of information, the "signature" an individual creates simply by going about the business of living. But Laney knows how to sift for the dangerous bits. Which makes him useful-to certain people. Chia McKenzie is here on a rescue mission. She's fourteen. Her idol is the singer Rez, of the band Lo/Rez. When the Seattle chapter of the Lo/Rez fan club decided that he might be in trouble in Tokyo, they sent Chia to check it out. Rei Toei is the idoru-the beautiful, entirely virtual media star adored by all Japan. Rez has declared that he will marry her. This is the rumor that has brought Chia to Tokyo. True or not, the idoru and the powerful interests surrounding her are enough to put all their lives in danger . . .

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