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Beginning Cryptography with Java

door David Hook

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33Geen753,992 (2.75)Geen
Beginning Cryptography with Java While cryptography can still be a controversial topic in theprogramming community, Java has weathered that storm and provides arich set of APIs that allow you, the developer, to effectivelyinclude cryptography in applications-if you know how. This book teaches you how. Chapters one through five cover thearchitecture of the JCE and JCA, symmetric and asymmetric keyencryption in Java, message authentication codes, and how to createJava implementations with the API provided by the Bouncy CastleASN.1 packages, all with plenty of examples. Building on thatfoundation, the second half of the book takes you into higher-leveltopics, enabling you to create and implement secure Javaapplications and make use of standard protocols such as CMS, SSL,and S/MIME. What you will learn from this book How to understand and use JCE, JCA, and the JSSE for encryptionand authentication The ways in which padding mechanisms work in ciphers and how tospot and fix typical errors An understanding of how authentication mechanisms areimplemented in Java and why they are used Methods for describing cryptographic objects with ASN.1 How to create certificate revocation lists and use the OnlineCertificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Real-world Web solutions using Bouncy Castle APIs Who this book is for This book is for Java developers who want to use cryptography intheir applications or to understand how cryptography is being usedin Java applications. Knowledge of the Java language is necessary,but you need not be familiar with any of the APIs discussed. Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learningprogramming languages and technologies easier than you think,providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you throughall the techniques involved.… (meer)
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Beginning Cryptography with Java While cryptography can still be a controversial topic in theprogramming community, Java has weathered that storm and provides arich set of APIs that allow you, the developer, to effectivelyinclude cryptography in applications-if you know how. This book teaches you how. Chapters one through five cover thearchitecture of the JCE and JCA, symmetric and asymmetric keyencryption in Java, message authentication codes, and how to createJava implementations with the API provided by the Bouncy CastleASN.1 packages, all with plenty of examples. Building on thatfoundation, the second half of the book takes you into higher-leveltopics, enabling you to create and implement secure Javaapplications and make use of standard protocols such as CMS, SSL,and S/MIME. What you will learn from this book How to understand and use JCE, JCA, and the JSSE for encryptionand authentication The ways in which padding mechanisms work in ciphers and how tospot and fix typical errors An understanding of how authentication mechanisms areimplemented in Java and why they are used Methods for describing cryptographic objects with ASN.1 How to create certificate revocation lists and use the OnlineCertificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Real-world Web solutions using Bouncy Castle APIs Who this book is for This book is for Java developers who want to use cryptography intheir applications or to understand how cryptography is being usedin Java applications. Knowledge of the Java language is necessary,but you need not be familiar with any of the APIs discussed. Wrox Beginning guides are crafted to make learningprogramming languages and technologies easier than you think,providing a structured, tutorial format that will guide you throughall the techniques involved.

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