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3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows (3 Willows…
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3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows (3 Willows (Hardback)) (editie 2009)

door Ann Brashares

Reeksen: Sisterhood (4.5)

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8535126,536 (3.43)28
Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:In this follow-up novel to the #1 New York Times bestselling Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, it's time to discover a new sisterhood. A story of growing up, friendship, and understanding yourself, about three girls enjoying one last summer before high school.
summer is a time to grow
Polly has an idea that she can't stop thinking about, one that involves changing a few things about herself. She's setting her sights on a more glamorous life, but it's going to take all of her focus. At least that way she won't have to watch her friends moving so far ahead.
Jo is spending the summer at her family's beach house, working as a busgirl and bonding with the older, cooler girls she'll see at high school come September. She didn't count on a brief fling with a cute boy changing her entire summer. Or feeling embarrassed by her middle school friends. And she didn't count on her family at all. . .
Ama is not an outdoorsy girl. She wanted to be at an academic camp, doing research in an air-conditioned library, earning A's. Instead her summer scholarship lands her on a wilderness trip full of flirting teenagers, blisters, impossible hiking trails, and a sad lack of hair products.
"Brashares gets her characters' emotions and interactions just right." —Publishers Weekly
"Like the previous Pants books, this one will travel from girl to girl." —Kirkus Reviews
… (meer)
Titel:3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows (3 Willows (Hardback))
Auteurs:Ann Brashares
Info:Delacorte Books for Young Readers (2009), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 336 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek, Aan het lezen
Trefwoorden:ya, friendship, girls, ann brashares

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3 Willows: The Sisterhood Grows door Ann Brashares

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1-5 van 51 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This young adult book was just a simple fun read. Nothing too deep. At times a little silly, but a nice read. ( )
  CarolHicksCase | Mar 12, 2023 |
A nice, well-written friendship story that still bears a style recognizable as Brashares', but with not quite the same level of power, bittersweetness, and warm truth that the original Sisterhood series gave us.

First, don't pick up this book expecting it to be any sort of continuation of Sisterhood; while there are a few very brief cameos of those characters (Lena is seen for a couple sentences, Bridget is mentioned in passing, and there's a short but sweet appearance by Brian and his relationship with Tibby), but otherwise this is a whole new story.

Ama, Polly, and Jo have some of the same problems the Sisterhood they enter high school, they are drifting apart, their interests and summers taking different routes. In grade school they were inseperable, planting three willow trees together in a local park, but now things are changing. Ama is given a scholarship for a wilderness camp, even though she can't imagine she'll ever enjoy it. Jo spends a roller coaster summer on the beach, entangled in a web of older friends, a gorgeous guy, and her parents' seperation. And Polly decides to take a shot at being a model...with no idea of what it will come to entail. Growing up along the way, the friends struggle through their obstacles and inevitably reunite.

I didn't get the same feel and attachment for the characters I did in Sisterhood. They all seemed a bit flat and sometimes acted a little ridiculous, making it harder to feel for them. Still, there were some genuinely moving moments, and warm stories like this are always appreciated as pass-the-time books. ( )
  booksong | Mar 18, 2020 |
A great summer read for upper elementary students, 3 Willows tells the story of close elementary school friends who face the fact that they've changed a lot during the summer before High School. Will their friendship be able to change, too? Will they leave each other behind as they grow into their teenaged selves? Anyone who's had really good friends in Middle School can relate to the themes of this book.

Mostly, I found the book dealt realistically with all the changes that occur during adolescence. As a young teen, I probably would have love this novel. However, as an adult, I couldn't help thinking that if my 14 year old daughter ever makes out with a complete stranger on a bus, I'm going to have a heart attack. ( )
  VanChocStrawberry | Apr 2, 2018 |
Review: 3 Willows by Ann Brashares

Here is a summary of what the book is about. summer is a time to grow

Polly has an idea that she can't stop thinking about, one that involves changing a few things about herself. She's setting her sights on a more glamorous life, but it's going to take all of her focus. At least that way she won't have to watch her friends moving so far ahead.

Jo is spending the summer at her family's beach house, working as a busgirl and bonding with the older, cooler girls she'll see at high school come September. She didn't count on a brief fling with a cute boy changing her entire summer. Or feeling embarrassed by her middle school friends. And she didn't count on her family at all. . .

Ama is not an outdoorsy girl. She wanted to be at an academic camp, doing research in an air-conditioned library, earning A's. Instead her summer scholarship lands her on a wilderness trip full of flirting teenagers, blisters, impossible hiking trails, and a sad lack of hair products.
It is a new summer. And a new sisterhood. Come grow with them.

I found this book very interesting.

I thought it was apart of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series but it's not. It's a new sisterhood and new friendships.

What I got out of the storyline is that no matter what your friends are always there for you.

I only hope to have friendships as close as the characters did in this book.

I do plan on reading more books from this author.

Happy Reading Everyone!
  ErinAyin | Jun 18, 2017 |
I really liked this one. It is sort've a spinoff of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. It follows a new trio of girls during their summer before their freshmen year of high school. It was like the other series, in that the girls are separated during the summer and discover new things about themselves, and although they feel like they are drifting away from each other, the distance makes them realize just how much they need each other. ( )
  amyghilton | Jul 27, 2016 |
1-5 van 51 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Ann Brasharesprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Farr, KimberlyVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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there really is no death.
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For Nancy Easton, with love and gratitude for your friendship, through many children, many books, and many miles. Thanks for listening to my thoughts about trees.

And for my beloved 3, Sam, Nate, and Susannah.
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The roots of the willow tree are remarkable for their strength and tenacious hold on life.
The last day of school was a half day.
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Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:In this follow-up novel to the #1 New York Times bestselling Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, it's time to discover a new sisterhood. A story of growing up, friendship, and understanding yourself, about three girls enjoying one last summer before high school.
summer is a time to grow
Polly has an idea that she can't stop thinking about, one that involves changing a few things about herself. She's setting her sights on a more glamorous life, but it's going to take all of her focus. At least that way she won't have to watch her friends moving so far ahead.
Jo is spending the summer at her family's beach house, working as a busgirl and bonding with the older, cooler girls she'll see at high school come September. She didn't count on a brief fling with a cute boy changing her entire summer. Or feeling embarrassed by her middle school friends. And she didn't count on her family at all. . .
Ama is not an outdoorsy girl. She wanted to be at an academic camp, doing research in an air-conditioned library, earning A's. Instead her summer scholarship lands her on a wilderness trip full of flirting teenagers, blisters, impossible hiking trails, and a sad lack of hair products.
"Brashares gets her characters' emotions and interactions just right." —Publishers Weekly
"Like the previous Pants books, this one will travel from girl to girl." —Kirkus Reviews

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Ann Brashares heeft van Jun 6, 2011 tot Jun 10, 2011 gechat met LibraryThing leden. Lees de chat.

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Gemiddelde: (3.43)
1 1
1.5 1
2 16
2.5 3
3 67
3.5 21
4 59
4.5 4
5 12


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